
They don’t do these things in Wisconsin. It happens when they become...

...And I’d rather have bacon-covered chocolate cake wrapped in gold leaf tortilla at every meal. Not gonna happen, so?

I suppose you’re one of those people who said an iPod wasn’t innovative because there were MP3 players before it?

The better question is “what’s rubbish here”? You lay out all kinds of cool innovations and reasons why it’s cool, then say it’s “rubbish” with no reason why.

You must’ve missed that day in pre-school when they taught what cheating was. Refresher: There’s a rather huge difference between innovation and cheating. One sometimes gets banned after the fact, the other will get the team banned.

Be gentle. His butt is hurt.

1. What’s wrong with an MIT robotics professor helping their child learn or a mechanic that teaches their child to fix things?

Welcome to Jalopnik.

What kind of idiots would...

There was a photo from about 2000 of all the long-unsold XJ-220's sitting in a warehouse, with no buyers — Something like 80 cars.

So, they’re “celebrating” MLK by... trying to create more racism against black people?

It seems by this comment that you don’t know how cell phones work and haven’t read the news much in the last 10 years.

“Varied opinions” is not the same thing as having an opinion which is legendarily malleable to serve the interests of a privileged class or one’s ideological ends regardless of principle or logic. That was a notoriously well-documented flaw with Justice Scalia’s opinions.

Did you ever think it might be off in the pics? I've seen two with em...

Try seeing one in person, much less sitting in one, before calling it a “cramped mess.” They're huge - I’m 6'1" and could easily sit in the back. Not everyone wants an old-fashioned, outdated sedan archetype.

No. Owning a VW is like watching real-time entropy. No car has literally fallen apart before my eyes quite like the VW’s I’ve owned.

That is utterly and laughably untrue. As anyone with a middle school education knows, air pollution is the defining issue of our time, with a close second being powerful corporate interests skirting society’s rules. This is a twofer and a serious criminal act that affects everyone.

“And funny how acting dumb/hooning is always great around here until the guy’s black.”

Please, please, PLEASE go ahead and bleed out in that single car crash: Accusing people of racism for literally no reason makes your life worthless to me and countless others. Really, just go die.

And your facts are where?