
Your legal analysis of gun laws is based on “areas with large open areas”, eh?

Niiiiiice! I had a ‘65 Valiant coupe with the 225 Slant-6. Sold it 26 years ago and found recently that it’s still on the road. Indestructible.

“Alpine, the French maker of hulking rear-mounted Renault-engined beasts...”

If you think gun laws in Texas are strict, you’re smoking crack.

Why do you keep obsessively trolling this site? You're nearly 25 dude, time to get a girlfriend and move on.

It’s people like this and their fear-mongoring that enable angry douche-tards with guns to justify this idiocy. There is ZERO justification for this violent unhinged threat.

There is a standing invite among all my friends for a party at my home on the day that disgusting human being succumbs to karma and goes to hell.

Fantastic movie and required viewing for any foreign policy player.

The evidence does not support that notion. Rumsfeld’s number two, Wolfowitz, had been angling for an overthrow of Hussein and seizing Iraq’s oil for nearly nearly a decade prior to 9/11. That plan was in motion for years.

I know two of those families. They remain utterly ruined, all for this man’s vainglorious hubris.

The phrase “Banality of evil” is not just reserved for 1933-45 Germany, you know.

None. No president (other than perhaps Nixon) would’ve recklessly manufactured their own “intelligence” in order to suit an ideological special interest’s desire to plunder an untapped energy reserve for their political sponsors.

The older employees at Mazda US will readily tell you that dropping that plan saved the company from certain ruin.

Worst POS I ever owned. My 2014 stranded me three times, the nav never worked correctly, gearbox failed, steering failed, infotainment was a disaster -couldn’t listen to music more than half the time I owned it...

Brick wall enters “the zone”?

The force is strong with this Texas Jedi.

It’s the catharsis of coming clean. That and adrenalin, perhaps.

I’d make that the punishment for anyone who uses a firearm to take a life unnecessarily.

“Law enforcement” is a form of tax collection nowadays. Meth doesn’t generate cash (or keep people poor) the way petty tickets do.

Until you see a cage fight go down between guys wearing ties on Fairfax.