
Go ahead and explain how that makes sense. Btw, I lived there for 15 years.

Yeah but watching the different kinds of road rage in different neighborhoods can be fascinating.

A LOT longer than the time between casting and the job. Most gigs are cast and shot within a couple days — not nearly enough for most to grow a shallow beard.

What an idiotic comment. Really. Like top 10 of all time stupid.

My trainer used to Uber but quit because she said it was turning her into a racist — She (allegedly) never got tips from one particular race of passengers and felt the resentment building.

Correction, should’ve been ARRESTED on the spot. The fact that never happens makes them worthy of our contempt.

Tell that to Washington DC, who wasn’t prepared this week. Or NYC who wasn’t ready last year. Or the 19 dead who lost their lives in this storm yesterday.

Here in L.A., that story is what we see from nearly every cop, at almost every interaction. Even when you’re the crime *victim*!

I used to have enormous respect for law enforcement. But now, after a lifetime witnessing abuse that the profession continues to perpetuate and defend, I have zero respect for them left. None.

Or, they’re open because their primary stockholder in Malibu doesn’t give a solitary fuck about your neighbor’s kid driving in a blizzard on roads that are “life or death” dangerous by the mayor’s words.

Nice try. But you — the consumer — are still needlessly incurring the risk of someone’s life, no matter how many fake anecdotes on a gawker forum you manage to miscount.

Just because the boss leaves the doors open doesn’t absolve you of responsibility for demanding delivery. YOU are the culprit for risking a person’s life, just as you are the asshole who makes people work on Thanksgiving when you go shopping on that day. Don't do it.

You hosed yourself, somehow: Just saying the word “lawyer” would get you 100% of book value, a rental car, back pay, etc. It’s your right to be compensated for the car and losing work, especially if you deliver — it’s inconceivable that you didn’t get that covered.

That is the warped thinking of someone who justifies ordering delivery despite incredibly dangerous conditions, disregarding their role in risking someone’s life

This is clearly a mistake. Nobody would confuse the anus of the East Coast, Philadelphia, for its clitorus.

The main guy from XCar is good too. That show’s production quality is very, very good.

Not if you read it in one of them there funny foreign accents like his.

Okay, now you’re just lying. Last time I tested myself, I was at .05 exactly with two beers. And I’m 6'0” 185. My girlfriend is at .07!

Sorry for your loss but you are completely wrong and clearly making a knee-jerk reaction to a terrible idea.

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