
You missed the most obvious question:

Everyone knows criminals need comfort and emotional support for their shenanigans too.

This post is about a place. “There.” But “anywhere” works too.

You are aware lowly Miatas have higher cornering speeds than most anything you’ll see there, no?

I’ve met this fine gent. He and his son (ferrarichat regulars) are gems of this hobby. It’s gratifying to see a multimillion dollar Ferrari in the hands of a truly great guy who bought and used it decades ago, when they were cheap.

That ad is all kinds of awesome. Particularly the random dirt bike stunting.

It even has the Cubs sticker. Purchased at 1060 West Addison, surely.

“Security guards are noobs. Should’ve just shot all those law-breakers.”

Wait, hold on: “Decorating a Christmas tree”? It’s not even Thanksgiving, people! Clearly foul play...

Something to consider is the oft-seen mistake among extremists of “faith-based” actions confusing or ignoring “objective”, “strategy” and “tactic.” As seen in 9/11, the strategy of attacking American symbols of power turned out to be, in reality, a successful tactic (they succeeded in hurting us and drawing a

The real risk and the genuinely serious harm is not from the photos at all but from law enforcement. The photo trading is embarrassing but mostly harmless - criminal charges or a conviction will ruin your life.

Huh? It was already solidly normal 10 years ago. Hell, I graduated 25 years ago and we had variations of this then!

“I had sexting ring once. A little prescription ointment cleared it right up...”

In my day, “social media” was gathering around the TV set for the Cosby Show (and like MySpace, that didn’t end well)...

In what warped imaginary political science class did you learn that?! The notion that classic institutions of socialism are just “good civics” is laughable. And your definition of socialism is confused with “communism” — completely different ideas. Modern socialism is Northern Europe, not ancient Soviet Union.

A serious fracture (with surgery and rods, like this guy’s) could be well beyond 100k easy. Then there’s your car, property, lost work, rehab... Med bills are insane and insurance companies (medical and liability) are brutal. Unless you have unthinkably huge limits, you’re underinsured and will be exposed to

But if you care what the public thinks, you're a poseur and deserve to be mocked by jalops.

Humans are so fucking strange.

Have you looked at the limits lately?