
All fun n’ games until someone gets spunked in the eye.

There is no question that sexism in the navy exists. You might recall the Tailhook scandal made that clear a generation ago. But a submarine is a totally different situation that reflects a true, practical reality where women’s expectations can not be accommodated: Shared sleeping quarters, showers and bathrooms are

I use “spunk” for the noun.

And stop fucking saying “Jew-fro.”

You really think the lack of redundant facilities on a sub reflect “rampant sexism” rather than, say, simple lack of space?

I spent a lot of time working restaurants in high school and college — You have been well-advised. Given standard kitchen practices, I would never, ever order a “special.”

That’s true. Some are just meth addicted and have not yet begun a serial killing spree. Touché.

Oh hell yeah. If there’s one thing I like almost as much as cars, it’s art. If the two shall meet, and make children smile, then you sir WIN.

This is great old-school Jalopnik stuff dude. Back in the days when the Jalopnik staff were all wrenchers and Bay Area junk yard diggers, this was what we all read about. Cheers.

Here here. Amen. Seconded a few times over. This idea is the suggestion of a card carrying idiot.

You are the uncontested heavyweight champ of bad ideas:

You keep saying that in multiple threads but common sense (75 in a 35?!) and the authorities — who have actual evidence, including video — say otherwise. So, where is YOUR evidence that it’s not street racing and why are you so adamant about this?

A lot of these “after” photos of cars torn up involved significant cutting by firefighters or rescue crews. When a roof is sheered or a pillar removed, it’s often to get someone or a body out.

You’re utterly clueless. All cars are built to basic standards that will never hold up to striking objects at speed. A two-ton passenger vehicle, regardless of brand or nation of origin, will always be torn apart and into pieces without a proper cage.

Imbecile. Lightning deaths aren’t typically the result of idiotic decision-making shown here. Also, it’s “douche.” If you’re going to call someone a name for pointing out bad behavior, try to spell it right.

I’ve never, EVER — even in my idiotic teenage years — driven 75 in a 35, nor have I done 40 over with a car full of people, much less a car full of people without seatbelts with another car speeding with me...

How does one survive an impact like that? They came down fast and hit so hard. Whatever impact absorption system they use clearly worked a miracle for the surviving pilot.

Fair points but in her 12 fights she has demolished all opponents. THAT is the measure of domination, by relative superiority if not by volume of wins.

Horse-sized Oregon lineman? Dude, I’ll take my beating from Rousey.

Taking your husband’s name but still going by “Ms.” and then correcting others for it is just confusing and, frankly, invites others to label you another, less-flattering term behind your back.