

I guess my point is have you been diagnosed by anyone. 

Psst, whatever opinion you want a dentist to have, go to enough dentists and you will find one with that opinion. 

It sounds like you had an obstructed airway during sleeping. Bruxism+snoring is textbook sleep apnea. 

Not since 1913 when the New York Giants did it. The detroit tigers did it also in the early 1900s. I really think Philly could trip them up this year. 

yep called it. I knew it would happen. Not a coincidence that the other two close games they won he had the ball at the end. 

(insert age group or generational label) are lazy! no work ethic anymore! 

It’s really hard to tell sometimes. 

This isn’t a new thing. Trust me. guaranteed there are people in their 50s and 60s in the work force that are calling in anytime they have indigestion.

The way she describes her husbands contributions to vinyl makes him sound like a completely basic dude that fancies himself as some kind of music aficionado. We get it, you have diver tastes because you have 3 jazz albums in your collection. Dude probably still likes the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Foo Fighters. 

There is definitely new music out there that you will like. 

That first video is college basketball in a nutshell, pretty good passing only because no one can make their own shot reliably and then just chaos because so many players are raw. 

Vince Neil is playing the county fair near me this summer, so there you have it. Not even a casino. 

You know the old saying, “Money can’t buy happiness, or cover the fact that you are a fucking pussy”

I thought the realization of the wonder woman that “LOVE IS THE ANSWER” is incredibly lame and the I liked the realization in Captain marvel of her finding herself so much more. The action sequences in WW were better, but in the end I think it’s really dumb to compare them to each other. 

I will check scores before paying to spend my money and, more importantly, time to go and see a movie at the theater outside of super hero movies. When streaming I watch and then look at the score after, makes it a little more exciting.

Absolutely shocking. I had no idea that there was a Utah State University until 5 minutes ago. My world has been ROCKED

What’s your opinion on Matt Stafford? 

I think the dynamic in NE is different. The head coach and owner are in charge and there is no question about it. In Pittsburgh it’s obvious that the head coach is just trying to keep things under control. I don’t know why pittsburgh is so hell bent on keeping Big Ben since he is costing them more at this point than

It still represents the worst parts, but it encompasses more age groups of white privilege