
all of this and they didn’t even mention Alex Wood or Maeda who has been pretty important out of the bullpen. Add in Austin Barnes who has been money this year. Also sticking it out with Puig! Money does help, and it has helped the Dodgers, but they have mostly helped themselves.

There were many called strikes that weren’t strikes last night.

In the games I’ve watched the strike zones have been massive. I think it’s to try and speed up the game.

What the fuck is this comment? Get lost.

Oh shit they really had a chance to not do anything again in the World Cup.

Hi I’m here to record the entire show on a smartphone

I always chuckle when my wife and I go on vacation and there are people that have traveled halfway around the world to take a picture of a beautiful scene with a camera phone. I always think “yeah that’ll look great as long as you don’t need it to be any bigger”. Nice cameras aren’t super expensive.

This is beautiful because every Rick and Morty fan just became a marketing genius according to only them. As much as I love Rick and Morty, I also realize most people do not give a shit or do not know. Mcdonalds should mass produce a bunch of sauce for what is most likely children, teenagers and man children?

Oh my god this is going to be a disaster isn’t it?

I went to a game where a guy had his two daughters, each about 5 years old, in the first row behind the dugout. The two girls didn’t pay attention the entire game and if a foul ball would’ve come one of the girls would’ve been seriously injured. The dad had a glove like he would’ve been able to do something.

Because in a time where the MLB is trying to gain young fans, limiting where they can sit seems like a bad idea. “sorry son/daughter we can’t sit there because you are too young”

Extend the netting for the love of christ. Adults would have almost no chance at a foul ball coming their way at 100mph, kids/toddlers have a literal zero chance. If MLB wants to make coming to a game more family friendly as they have done the last 30-40 years to increase attendance and gain new fans, other things

I think the band GWAR owes a huge part of its longevity and to beavis and butthead labeling them cool and amazing back in the 90s.

Hair metal was on life support and in a coma before grunge came along. Beavis and butthead just made reinforced that it was over for hair metal. The funny thing is that now hair metal is viewed as less of a joke than grunge

Definitely closer score wise. Atlanta looks like the same offense as last year though with a million different options to kill you with.

I think a playoff prediction of any kind at this point is stupid. If Rodgers/Ryan go down their respective teams seasons are effectively over. We are on the same page here. I think the guys original response is more because the guy is making excuses.

I’m sure they totally give a shit about the opinions of fuckheads like us on the internet.

They probably don’t win with all of those either.

I would argue we don’t know what some teams actually are until they’ve played about 10 games. I know the Bears are trash before they played one.

I know what you are saying here, but they cruised through the playoffs up until the last 5 minutes of the super bowl and the Pats needed an Edelman miracle catch. I would still trust this team in the playoffs.