If healthy and if the Packers actually get to a round where they play the Falcons again. I mean it’s not like the Packers are unbeatable when healthy anyway.
If healthy and if the Packers actually get to a round where they play the Falcons again. I mean it’s not like the Packers are unbeatable when healthy anyway.
Holy shit you sound like Bears fans during the Cutler era. “If only x,y,z would’ve happened we would’ve won, those things will probably happen in the rematch.”
Well by and large college football is shit. I mean there are 120 games or so a week and how many are exciting? No one wants to see Wisconsin vs BYU outside of fans of the schools.
I masturbate to pictures of fans crying after a tough/shocking loss.
Nah I think Cleveland finally does it this year.
cool let me know when you are wearing your “Regular season winning streak champions” shirt and there is a parade for it.
Oh ok so the Cubs didn’t win the world series?
I love going to new NFL stadiums just to see it and to visit a new city, but the games aren’t that good in person. College football can be an all day party which is usually more fun than the game itself.
Milwaukee Admirals are great because tickets are cheap. I think the games will be even better once they move to Panther Arena next year.
Live hockey, baseball, and basketball (up close) are so much better. Football isn’t an in person sport at this point.
There’s just so much more known about hitters and pitchers now. Off season training is amazing and the international pool is much better. The top guys are still great but the last 5-10 guys on rosters are so much better.
I was that way in 2015 with the Cubs and I was still fucking pissed when they were swept by the Mets. There is no such thing as house money in sports.
I’m floored anytime a team wins 10 in a row. A team has won 21 times in a row and I may never see a longer MLB winning streak in my life.
The Yankees starting pitching in a 5 game series would be no joke with Gray and Severino probably pitching 4 of the 5. Even in a 7 game. I like the Yankees second most in the AL.
I’m pretty sure there are several modern teams that would beat 90s world series winners.
Their offense was incredible that year. They had a middle of the pack bullpen and really good starters. Not to mention they missed facing the other two best teams in the league that year in the World Series and the AL was shit that year.
I’m just here to say that I’m stupid enough to think I could do some of this.
TBH you’d be better off with a popular rapper since a lot of country kids LOVE rap/ I think country would get too many women and men who are utterly useless outside of reposting facebook memes. Also I think you overestimate how difficult fishing/hunting would be to pick up barring how much technology is left over.…
Rihanna is a good choice, but I would possibly pick Bruno Mars since he appeals to an even broader audience increasing the chances that not everyone is a complete fucking moron. Do you really think a fan base that calls themselves the Beyhive wouldn’t be prone to the second Holocaust because some people dare listen to…