
My fantasy Fantasy Football Team skipped over David Johnson and drafted Leveon Bell

I don’t think nihlism is a particularity healthy world view, but god damn if it isn’t hilarious.

I wish 69 were the actual home run record

It’s always interesting to see which ones are still funny to me

Unlikely because Fox cannot develop QBs and Trubisky is what the Bears are pinning their future on. He’s a Pace guy, not a Fox guy and Pace is itching to get his own coach in.

Have you seen their first 7 or 8 games? I’ll be surprised if they win one of them.

Packers’ fans love of their team goes beyond annoying and well into the creepy and weird stage. No Rodgers/Matthews isn’t your husband and they wouldn’t notice you if you were on fire running down the street. You know who the best Packer fans are? Old guys. They have been through the best and the worst for prolonged

I’ll take the field on this one.

I think Kaep will get signed by a desperate team this season. They can’t sign him before the regular season if only because it would be the ONLY thing to talk about.

They also had a local sales tax on everything for a few years.

Really he’s an average player. Below average offensively.

One of the few times this season he didn’t strike out in some way!

They are only your friend if they allow you to come and watch the fight for free.

Oh shit was this article cross-posted on Barstool?

Sometimes it feels like the Patriots just can’t catch a break ya know?

You sound like a very patient friend

I always view this as having the opportunity to do things with others, but not being a requirement.

I think it would be Washington-Lincoln because they were both a combination of crazy and freakishly strong.

what I find more baffling is that it’s in the middle of the day on a Monday and apparently so many people can attend. Don’t people work? Also it’s pretty much going to be about 90 seconds of total darkness and 4 hours of travel. Doesn’t sound worth it. FOMO is a huge reason hype works.