
The reason people are going to see an eclipse I’m assuming is to say they’ve seen one in person. Didn’t you read the first question about how hype works?

How empty is your life if you are actually excited or looking forward to this fight?


I’m not sure he really feels that way because he has many times that he takes women’s side also. I can see how you would feel that way though. I just view his podcast as him talking to himself trying to find something funny to say, much of the women hating stuff doesn’t really find it’s way into his act.

I feel like Barstool is full of writers and commenters that considered themselves the class clown in high school, but only because they knew how to be obnoxious. That entire website is still trying to figure out how to formulate a joke.

Why would he “clap back” though? Then it looks like it’s actually affecting him, usually, BSS is the one getting upset and responding like a bunch of high school girls to something Samer wrote.

Tl;dr this shit

There are fragile, insecure, weird people whose largest part of their identity is teams they like.

I feel like if you are stupid enough to show up to one of these hype rallys you should have to be marked with a scarlet letter of some sort so everyone else knows you are an idiot.

If you think about it enough, you realize that sports are almost entirely a waste of time. I don’t think about it too much because there is always a game to watch

He’s a guy who knows how to play to his fanbase and has said his only interest is making a sustainable career, he’s said as much in interviews. I mean he sees that country is what is going to be his gateway to staying relevant so he has to align himself as such as to not alienate his fanbase. I mean he does seem

Grant wasn’t a Founding Father. Also I would totally take Kid Rock over Trump for the simple fact that even though his music sucks he continues to succeed and be a good businessman and seems to be a decent person. Trump is a failure in almost every aspect of his businesses and a complete maniac.

Becuase they’ve won a super bowl, disqualifying them from the list. They would be up there at #4 if they hadn’t.

For sure some team will pay him for 10 years 450 million or something. He looks like a player whose game will age well.


Wasn’t Daulton a multiple DUI offender that has spent time in jail and also a nut job? Your childhood is still in tact even if a player from one of your favorite teams is a shitbag.

I think you are over estimating the average NFL fan’s intelligence.

What’s better is that people who would say “I’m not watching the NFL!” would be watching like 2 weeks later.

10/10 trolling, would visit again.

Read a couple history books and it will soon become clear that America has a history of electing idiots.