
I can tell you didn’t get many letters for the Rams since they were all longer than yesterday’s entry of the Bears where the letters were short bursts.

you realize that coffee pots on planes are filthy beyond belief right?

Part of the reason the Dodgers get boned in October is that they run into good teams and are unlucky, they’ve had a good enough team to win a World Series the last 4 years. The 90s Braves routinely had 3 of the top 15 pitchers in the MLB and only won a single world series in a 10 year span in which they won 100 games

Knight/Lewis 2020

maybe he’ll be president some day.

thank goodness baseball is so predictable. I”m booking my flight to LA and hotel room immediately.

This reminds me of the year that the Phillies got Cliff Lee and then traded for Roy Oswalt. The rich getting richer with an already stacked starting pitching staff. It carried the Phillies all the way to 103 wins, best MLB record and a World Series title.

I keep tabs on things, but appointment viewing has gone WAAAAY down. I still love going to games though and would almost never turn that down.

I had one foot out the door last season anyway

Who gives a shit if it makes you a bad fan. As much as people say that when you are on your deathbed you won’t say “I wish I worked more”. It’s the same thing with sports, no one says “I wish I would’ve spent more time watching sports.”

You described my future.

who is your team now?

Well he had to punch down at someone because lord knows punching up isn’t his forte.

Much like Chris Christie this video fails to deliver anything of value.

Not my best effort but until I can actually use stars for something I don’t give a shit.

I’m rooting for the Lannisters in game of thrones if that means anything to you.

“I’m more important to this team than one of the best players to ever play this game. I mean we were making the playoffs before Lebron came back. He didn’t add 20 wins to our win total the first year back. Cleveland is a cool city. Everyone loves former Duke players in the NBA. I could totally carry a team like Lebron


Because his image is ‘fun zany guy’. Also, I’m betting he’s making a shit ton of money.

This. I mean the Pirates could outperform them by 5 games or so and win the division