
I’m a Cubs fan and I realize that nothing is guaranteed at this point because there are still 60 games to play. The Brewers I think will be competitive to the end is what I mean that they will be fine. They are a .500 team on paper with guys having career years and overperforming. That’s not unheard of and even if the

The only thing the Brewers have to do is not get swept and they’ll be fine. There are still like 60 games to play, even if the Brewers bullpen is trash they can figure it out.

“#1 should be the umpire and anything he does!”

I’m from the midwest and it’s really confusing when people say “I’m from Chicago” because dealing with people who grew up in the city is much different than people who grew up in the suburbs.

I would rather have middleton over parker at this point. I’m just thinking what the Cavs would ask.

when people in other parts of the country or state ask where you are from do you say “chicago” or “(suburb name) it’s a suburb of chicago”?

at a sox game anyone who has good taste does grilled onions

That would be incredible. I think they would want something crazy like Henson, Middleton, Maker and Parker though plus picks.

Lets start discussing who he is going to in free agency in 4 years!

Is there anyone who makes less of a difference on the world than sports talk radio guys? These guys are worse than any reality tv show.

some still consider the white sox a minor league team.

running regularly puts you at a lower risk of needing joint replacements.

He’s still the #1 prospect until he reaches so many plate appearances.

Outside of the specific host you are talking about, who actually has the ability to be good if he dials it down, all of the guys are really really likable. I think they are trying to cultivate the kind of hosts that are “guys you could watch a game with”. Even when disagree almost all of them are super respectful.

Set your goals high.

I hope Kirk Cousins goes to another franchise and wins a super bowl and Washington continues to never win anything

Maybe it’s just the angle, but it sure looks like he was blocking the plate there and the throw surely didn’t carry him into blocking the plate.

In reality, it’s impossible to tell how his legacy will age since so many parts of it are unprecedented. The rise of the internet age + him being a prodigy that became the best player in the league for multiple years has never been seen before.

I think in the short term it will hurt his legacy going to another team and winning, but 30-40-50 years? People will only see that he won X number of championships and won’t care how.

the ball was hit 101 mph, so it was ripped.