
You are someone who admits they hate basketball, yet you clicked on an article specifically about basketball. Then you give advice about getting a life. So much irony.

Of course, he killed fiddy men.

Every time I see him I think of Cotton Hill.

I know people don’t want to admit it right now, but Lebron will be the 2nd best player ever after it’s all said and done. KAJ was a force that could change a team also, but couldn’t play 4 positions if need be. I think people will look back at the 2011 finals and wonder how Miami lost that series.

I just hear Linda Cohn speaking these exact words.

Nah, people actually watch Fallon even if he sucks. Fallon is more like the Cubs; insanely popular, incredibly corny, moms grandmas and children love him even if he’s hacky and annoying and completely shitty. I would say the White Sox are James Corden


Play the regular season like the playoffs, and then get exposed during the playoffs.

He has to see that the Bulls were bringing their A game to the regular season against the Cavs. Went 4-0 against them (not that it matters).

My thoughts exactly. Butler is the best player on the floor and I think the Bulls feel like they can win this series. I also get the sense that the entire bulls team really doesn’t give a shit about the regular season game.

Brady leaves Trump hanging.

If Hernandez would’ve just raped a couple women instead he would’ve gotten away with it.

Well case closed I guess! (To that guy)

Can confirm. Do you consider people bad owners the second they say something along the lines of “He’s harmless don’t worry!” because they let their dog walk around without a leash?

I’m crying laughing at this story.

The opportunity is there to be well off, but the average cost of 4 years of dental school can be 250k-400k most of it taken out in student loans.

I listened to a Cracked podcast recently where two writers who grew up in a legitimately poor town talk about how one of them thought teachers were overpaid because all of the teachers lived in nicer houses than he did. Worth a listen if not to hear them talk about how fucking bored they were in this town.

Hey Drew, have you started your Game of Thrones take for July when the new season starts?

Zac Brown certainly has a wonderful voice and a great sounding band and many of his songs are catchy feel good songs. The cover isn’t bad, but man Zac brown definitely doesn’t rock.

I think the more interesting question would be if Cardinal fans would trade Yadier Molina for Harper. GET ON IT ST LOUIS SPORTS TALK RADIO!