
thanks for this video I hadn’t seen it before.

the people there had no idea what they were witnessing.

They still have Dusty Baker as a manager so it evens out.

I just think Ryu’s execution was poor, not necessarily the plan for Rizzo.

Keep in mind that Addison Russell also has a homerun today.

judging my where the catchers glove was, that pitch was up way too far and Ryu missed by about a foot. Rizzo also doesn’t care if you plunk him since his OBP is around 380 on the regular. He had 30 HBP in 2015 and had a great year so your strategy is really playing into his hands.

What he didn’t say is that he drowned a kid who was also trying to get the ball.

This is the best answer, I wouldn’t kill myself right away but I would see how things played out for a couple years with Ivanka.

I feel like if they tie there should be a 1 game playoff no matter what.

At least I didn’t start it with “well actually....”

Their staff currently has a 2.49 era

Joe Thomas is a future Hall of Famer

Mostly because they are sad human beings with empty lives and most likely no purpose. This seems like the easiest cause to champion because it requires no work.

It’s in the same vein when someone says something not only awful, but with no tact and also unfunny.

Lets look at both sides here.

Their most well known resident is fictional.


I think they should just tell him to focus on making contact. This situation is where an organization has to help a player develop from the raw tools he has. Buxton has GREAT potential, but it still needs to be developed.

Look everyone it’s mike wilbon

To be fair there were two types of Cubs fan when the Sox won. The kind that were bitter about their success, and people who were all like “I’M A CUBS FAN, BUT CHICAGO FIRST!” In a roundabout way were hopping on the Sox bandwagon.