
Lets name them; Bears, Blackhawks, Fire, Bulls, Wolves, Cubs. I’m not sure if I’m missing any other minor league teams.


That’s the worst pickup line I’ve ever read.

Most avid runners will 100% agree with you that running is stupid.

This is the second Atlanta/Sherman joke I’ve heard today.

7 years later and your avatar photo finally forced him to retire

I just wonder why the refs felt like they needed to control the game. I mean there must being something from the higher ups saying “call a lot of fouls” Not to get all tin foil hat here, but I wonder if it’s so they can sell more ads

but players try harder than nba players and care more /s

3 hours for 40 minutes of game time is absurd.

But the players try hard and fall all over the floor. Also the score was close most of the night.

golf is more fun as a social outing than as a serious game. it easily has the worst fashion though.

Christ it’s like a highlight truther in the comments section has some say in the outcome.

Kentucky unc was good, I’ll concede the others but is 4-5 good games for the entire tournament the standard now? Why even watch the early rounds ya know?

Really what you are describing has been most of the tournament for the last 10 years. They have an all timer every once in a while, but most of the time it’s disjointed no flow basketball that’s more painful than multiple pitching changes in baseball

Lets ignore the fact that Oregon shot 27% from 3 and 37% from the field. Not boxing out was totally the reason they lost, not the clank fest they were having from beyond the 3 point line. If they got the rebound, they would’ve shot a 25 footer against a double team and most likely missed.

get out of here grandpa. He grabbed 16 rebounds in that awful game.

Uh, I’m not sure America is the country you want to model punishments after. Maybe find another country to look at.

I would always warn people that it’s instrumental. I can’t tell you how many people need lyrics in their music since the singing is the only thing they notice.

“I’m heading to the football game tomorrow, better get my gun ready”

thanks I always end up fucking it up and giving up.