“Got away with a travel?!?! That was a freedom walk! DC? Black history month? This is a man honoring his past and I won’t have you out here diminishing that!”
“Got away with a travel?!?! That was a freedom walk! DC? Black history month? This is a man honoring his past and I won’t have you out here diminishing that!”
Change the position of the steering wheel and this car takes a very different turn.
(Places star by your sig)
Such a butterfly effect because if Obama doesn’t give his life for Douglas then Douglas never stops 3Doors Down from recording secret Alt Right messages into their unending list of hits thus brainwashing people into voting for Tru...
Yeah, but what about a little thing called HIPAA?
He really only helped those blacks kids because it helped him more, if some of them gained from the experience it wasn’t intentional.
If we get into an actual shooting war with China I’m quite certain that they’re going to force us into a groundwar. Why would they fight us at our strength ?
I read his name as Pudzer and it made me laugh.
Wow so Trumps on Twitter and Bannon posts on FTA? Awesome glad to know its that easy.
War with China would essentially give Russia free reign over Europe. There is no way we could go at it on two fronts as well as keep Middle East footprint without a draft and even then it would be tough and that would probably cause a civil war here.
I’m begging for this. Make White Supremacist Steve Bannon the Benghazzi for this administration.
Its Tim Ryan he’s actually my rep. Ive been sending him daily emails begging him to be more confrontational with this administration. He’s just not that guy it seems. He’ll attatch his name to a denouncement if there are 5-6 others but I’ve never seen him step out on his own and burn A Trump thing.
This why I only drink grain alcohol.
There are a lot of ethnic Russians because they invaded, purged and eliminated dissent. They wouldn’t be displaced if Russia hadnt murdered the locals and forced Russians to relocate inder oenalty of death.
Well shit back in 1590 they invaded somebody. Guess we should go bomb Peru tomorrow since -you know- at that same time the Incas were running
Its not a hole its based on a presumption that Congress as a whole will not cave to the Executive and would cut funding (paychecks) for enforcement depts.
Its not a hole its based on a presumption that Congress as a whole will not cave to the Executive and would cut funding (paychecks) for enforcement depts.
Well they stuck her in the cage with that angry Orangutan from Project X...
In life we are shackled. Only in death will we (Haram)Be free.
Its gotta be a Taurus or a Camry. I mean Labs and Retrievers are the blandest cookie cutter dogs in the world.