
Joke went right over my head at first. Glad I checked the link before I replied.

There are plenty of regional or location-specific situations like this people run into all the time and easily adapt to in a way a car never can.”

The way you wrote it makes it seem like you don’t spend Christmas with those jokers any more because they’re Republican. That saddens me. I’d like to think there’s more than strictly “they registered and vote Republican”, but maybe not? But if so, it seems like the details matter more than simply their political

Or buy an electric car, no need to worry about oil changes ever again ;) 

Or buy an electric car, no need to worry about oil changes ever again ;) 

Whatever you do, please get a car that plugs in or go all electric instead of gas.
It is worth it in every way possible.

I think you may be underestimating just how expensive gas cars are to run and maintain compared to EVs. A Mini Cooper S is about $25K, the EV is about $30K. That difference will easily pay for itself in 3 or 4 years, unless you hardly ever drive.

Is there any other consumer product on the market that the manufacturer is forbidden from selling directly to its customers?

2016 Outback and I hate these systems. I’m able to stay in my lane under normal driving so the only tim eI notice that feature is when it is making a mistake or I was slightly too slow to put on my blinker and the car tries to fight me.

I was reminded of how happy I am that my house has solar panels. This means I can leave most of my devices on during the day, charging away, and not feel guilty about how much electricity I’d be wasting otherwise.

The early Renaults like the 1900 model you show used a thermosiphonic cooling system; there’s no water pump. Instead, the temperature difference between the hot water in the block and the cold water in the exposed radiator creates enough circulation by convection to transfer the heat.

the pilot executed an emergency fuel burn to reduce the plane’s landing weight

When paying a fee makes sense...

Or just go on seat guru and find your airline / plane / flight and read up.

it’s way, way better than those wise-asses that go “why? you didn’t kill him” and then move on. It feels like such a violation because they said something weighty, I did the socially appropriate and kind thing, and then I got mocked for it... grrr...

Exactly, I’m not a bank - if you want a loan, go to a bank. If your credit isn’t good enough for the bank to give you a loan, that doesn’t really help your argument to get a loan from me.

Leave the whole “accepting payments” thing to the banks. They’re the ones who have the contracts and the lawyers and the means of hunting you down if you miss a payment. Chances are you don’t.

I recommend curling. All the action, none of the violence.

stop breaking the law, asshole

Unless and until the LA Supreme Court affirms the dismissal of his conviction and the state moves to dismiss the underlying charge, he is technically still facing trial. He has gone from being convicted back to being indicted and arraigned but with no conviction.

At first, I was excited to see footage of his perfect game, but then I realized I’d just watched the GIF loop 12 times.