5 guys is infinitely better than In-N-Out. If you disagree let me know and we can arrange a meet up somewhere to fight, where the loser has to eat their weight in the lesser chain’s burgers and fries
5 guys is infinitely better than In-N-Out. If you disagree let me know and we can arrange a meet up somewhere to fight, where the loser has to eat their weight in the lesser chain’s burgers and fries
I think that would also limit the current draw from the total battery pack, though. Hence less HP.
The pitch to drivers is that it’s income, but instead, it’s more like a great way to convert depreciation into cash.
Seriously. We timed it when our teenage sons bitched about it. It took me two and a half minutes and I shaved a minute when I really tried.
When I headed off to college (longer ago than I care to admit), my dad and I made a deal where he would cover 90% of…
Here’s a 12 pack for $10: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B072BT6VZF
That’s exactly what I do. You treat it pretty casually and then it’s not a big deal.
I retired from AT&T in 2010. I spent most of my career in the Telco in California, Pacific Telephone, later Pacific Bell.
If in the same situation, I would pick the most gruesome method available by the jurisdiction that was going to kill me, and request that it be televised and publicized as much as possible. The point of that would be to show the inherent silliness and barbarism of the act. I would not want a “clean and neat” death,…
Ethically, it’s no better or worse in the sense that someone’s intentional death is the goal. So whatever your ethics are on that point, they’re equivalent ways of removing life from a human.
I wonder how many of those 266 were actually celibate...
Serious question, what happens if a Canadian based team wins their respective championship?
I imagine the thinking is “if I can make my *required* payment smaller, I can still pay back more than required and have a 60mo loan but the flexibility to fall back to an 84mo loan”.
Humans can’t run through steel beams. Open your eyes, steeple!
I can’t even get used to back up cameras - I still have to look over my shoulder. Side view cameras are only going to make me want to stick my head out the window.
I’ve taken to writing “DON’T THROW OUT” with a Sharpie on each of them.
I’ve taken to writing “DON’T THROW OUT” with a Sharpie on each of them.
i like all those reasons you posted about the mod3 as well. i don’t like going to gas stations either.
The infrastructure argument isn't an issue. Is it an issue for Hydrogen? Sure. Electricity is literally all around, look above your head, power lines are everywhere. You only need to build or license recharging stations.
This one is all about prime factors, and common multiples.
As someone who went through this competition, you do pick up a lot of tricks and patterns when you are practicing for this. That being said, these kids are really, really good and I don’t really know how to answer it either other than maybe start with the LCM (60) and guess and test?