Welcome back to Behind Closed Ovens, where we take a look at the best and strangest stories from inside the food…
anyone not intimidated by the f-35 is stupid. It is the second stealthiest operational fighter, and has a more advanced radar than anything it will encounter. It also has an internal weapons bay, meaning it's much more likely to be running in a clean configuration than anything else out there. Finally it can…
Tyler... Why hurry to start racking up hours on these new aircraft airframes..? Every jet in the military's inventory has a finite life span before it is either retired or must be completely gone through. There have been Naval aircraft which were flown to the bones before ever getting real action of any length. The…
Ugly is such a silly description for a 5th generation fighter. Form is so much more important than looks. This isn't a beauty contest. For ugly, look at the F-119, our first stealth fighter. Fighter it wasn't, just a somewhat radar transparent bomb truck. The looks are what provides a substantial degree of radar…
I actually like the way the F-35 looks....it's not exactly beautiful, but it has nice proportions, particularly the Navy's C model with the bigger wings. And all this talk of two engines is just so dumb and overrated. How many single engine planes has the navy used through the years? And you do realize that the…
Unpopular opinion, but the F-35 is an awesome looking jet. I want a picture of an F-35, F-22, B-2, and maybe one of the X-47's flying in formation...that would be an entirely different level of badass than any other nation can field.
"By which time, I wonder just what sort of souped up Flankers and next-gen Chinese fighters will it be dealing with?"
As a nation we've been here before, for a lot of the same reasons. We built a bunch of CF104's under license and employed a lot of Canadians in doing so. Over half of those planes crashed. Something to be said for having two engines when you're doing a patrol out of Cold Lake or Baggotville. We have yet to have a…
Are you fucking kidding me? This is the normal speed video???! Okay, so he's guilty of a few poor lane changes and passing on the right. I don't see any flagrant speed or reckless driving present here, dude even stops for (most) red lights. Honestly this seems to be a safer pace then 75% of New York's traffic.
That may be one of the more boring Ring records I've ever seen. He really didn't do anything too crazy on it. Yeah he was going quick, but not any worse than "that guy" during the morning commute. Stopped at red lights, didn't accelerate too quickly, really didn't seem to be going that fast most of the time.
Russia also copied the B-29 also. Kinda lame. I forgot the name of the plane to be honest, but they built a bolt-for-bolt copy of the plane using interred B-29's kept for the purpose.
The U.S. is Canada's closest (physically) and strongest (militarily) ally, it is in their best interest that the F-35 program succeeds—that's why it's worth the billions.
Interesting. I think if I was the Canadians i'd be buying CF-18s. What are the odds of Canada going to war without the U.S.? On top of the fact, if they did get involved in any sort of fight, the odds of them fighting against anyone with anything superior to a CF-18 is probably pretty low. If they did find…