
Yeah, I'm kinda curious about that too. I mean, you figure the plane is much simpler than modern warplanes so they may actually be able to fabricate parts for them. If the F14 stories from our military are good, imagine what the mechanics over there have to do to keep anything flying... I'd actually be really curious

True. There's nothing here that wasn't there in earlier videos. For me the best Gymkhana was the one with tiny Ford focus in the drome. That was epic.

Pssssh, you call that close?

4:19 in, very cool seeing how the ride roughens up as he enters the wake turbulence of the four-ship that had just done their break.

"Thunderbirds are GO!"

Adding to this amateur-hour PS job— Any air-to-air missile will, immediately after launch, make an aggressive turn to fly directly to the predicted intercept point which will ALWAYS be ahead of where the target is at missile launch time. In this pic, the missile is shown essentially flying straight ahead after

Just for giggles, I wonder what Sweden would have done had they actually found a Russian sub in their waters? Would they have used depth charges or a surface to underwater missile to destroy it? The Swedish military has always been a paradox to me. On the one hand, Sweden has been a neutral country for a very long

That photo is Bullshit, here is the original

I do satellite imagery, not possible for the plane to be that clear or for the jet to even be that clear along with ground. Satellites are calibrated to focus on the ground, not objects that are 30,000 feet above it.

I forgot I own Lock on.

Why not just use depth charges? Tell Vlad he can admit his boat is down there or you will check for yourself.

Probably a good analysis.

Rich spoiled brat, unless the quarter million in gambling debts were his last bit.

I like stories of people sticking it to The Man as much as anybody but this sounds more like the temper tantrum of a spoiled brat.

That's odd... the more I look at it, the more I think "Why not?"

Wow, according to Wikipedia they have space to lie down (and enough space to stand up straight too), and not just a bathroom but galley also!

A bit late in the game, but I would have submitted the Geobukseon (거북선), aka Korean Turtle Ship, a large and heavily armored war ship used by the Korean Joseon Dinasty from the 16th to the 19th century. These ships carried five different types of cannons, a dragon head at its bow that could shoot cannon fire or flames

This would a better picture. Old School drones.

Another one that belongs on this list - the first military submarine. Without which we wouldn't have Das Boot, The Hunt for Red October, or Crimson Tide.