
Industry standard on anything beyond minimal scuffing to rims is to replace them. It's a liability issue, as very, very few shops can repair rims. And, at least in my state, handing an alloy off to a rim guy is legally the same thing as buying a reconditioned rim. So technically I'm still writing to replace the rim.


The B-52 IS much bigger. (via wiki)

People went nuts. The SSG in charge of the truck had to hop out and ground-guide the thing to keep people from being run over. Everyone thought it was a couple of rogues coming out, so they swarmed the truck haha.

That guy is why I HATE most of our populace... Ignorant, sheltered drama queens

People these days have forgotten how to have fun. A couple weeks ago, a C-17 was coming back from training. It was cleared to do a couple of touch and go at the local international airport. The pilot lived nearby so he did a couple of low passes over the soccer field where his daughter was playing. It was a couple of

Misuse of gubment property is pretty serious. Shit, I caught hell for just driving a HMMWV through a Zips drive-thru, mainly to see if it would fit. It does. And that one time I took my guys in a GSA van to party in Monterey. And that one time I took my platoon off post in our HMMWVs and parked them on the beach to

"It was in attack mode"
"Residents didn't know what to make of the war chopper"

Come on this is ridiculous that they are in trouble for this. As long as they did not go a long distance out of the way for this, I see no issue with it. Look at the good feelings that these kids now have for all of these soldiers.

I think they were too slow

This is the right answer. Tanks had no effective opposition if they made it up to the trenches. The only hopes were artillery or mud stopping it. In the meantime, the Germans tried everything that they could think of, including reversed bullets (!!) and steel-core bullets to be fired out of ordinary Mauser rifles. By

Imagine seeing this flying past you at 100 MPH faster then your P-51 could ever hope to go.

Personally I have always found the Pavelow to be quite scary coming up over a ridge all of a sudden. Could be from watching Red Dawn as a kid but hey you'll have that!

Russian missile trains always seemed pretty damned sinister to me. They're so dark and sinister I can just imagine some rusty missile train half-buried in a snow bank in all black just waiting...

Let's not forget this flying freak show:

Bow was it a looking, the deviating tail angles were always just awesome.

Never made it into combat, but the RAH-66 Comanche was scary/beautiful:

I imagine that to the german soldier in WW I a tank rolling towards their trenches for the first time must have been scary.

Just 2 days ago, I was treating my 4-year-old, rocket-obsessed son to all the launch failure compilations I could find on Youtube. I told him "this happened a lot in the old days, and sometimes in Russia, but rockets never crash anymore."

Kerbal Space Program FTW!