
World War II was one of the greatest tragedies the world has ever known, but man it made for some fascinating history.

I worked at the Vought site in Dallas where they built the A-7. I was told by an old timer about when they rolled out the 1st A-7D with the M-61 Vulcan cannon. They went to do the ground test fire of the Cannon and the vibration caused all of the access panels to pop open and some to fall off.

Nice article!

Great video. I wish they would use smoke though. The aerial ballet is much more dramatic when you can actually see the flight track.

F-22 should win easily here. The powerful radar doesn't really help much here as the F22 will likely have its missiles away before it is even detected (shrinking the radar signature decreases the detection range). I think the AMRAAM is generally considered to be a superior missile to what the Russians have as well.

I have to ask, what would the better aircraft be in a dogfight? F-22 or one of the new Russian aircraft? From my limited knowledge it seems the Russians are faster and more maneuverable but aren't as stealthy as the F-22, but wouldn't modern radar negate that stealth?

Made me think of this picture -

The Marshal Ustinov leaving Hampton Roads, 1989

And this is how you do a tail-hook deck landing in an F-111 when you don't have a carrier handy. This was a rookie pilot in Aus who had only just been certified on the pig two weeks before and found himself without landing gear. It does NOT get better than this. Cool dude, walked away from it without blinking and the

Very fascinating article Tyler. Until today, I had never heard of these types of submarines. For me, two things stand out: first, the U.S. was caught off guard by the Gotland's and other AIPs and its anti-submarine capability has been greatly weakened. Second, with their ability to run so stealthily without detection

Not really unique the X-shape rudder. Dutch Walrus-class is pretty much the same. Same size same concept (diesel-electric) and from the same era.

It's the Swedish, Dutch, Canadian and Australian diesel-electric subs that navy commanders should fear. And for that reason these subs are the ideal training partners for

Nice to see this finally! I was stationed at the Naval Base Point Loma (Subbase) as a dock master for the 2 years that this little sucker was there.

Google throws up Russian "shtrafbat", punishment battalions of men who would otherwise have been shot. My hunch is that just running prisoners through a minefield wouldn't reliably clear it - you'd still have the mark the mines - unless they went toe-to-toe in a long line, which would be awkward to organise. Google

Yes they can. I helped with some testing when I was active duty and if you snap one of the guide lines they can do a u turn and come back at you. This was also how you could shoot around hills.

According to:

Yup. MiG pilot probably won't even get a warning. Doubtful it could pick up the missile. It for damn sure won't pick up the Raptor.

Social media was tailor made for the propaganda machine. People like to jump to a cause and the narcissism of social media makes it 100x worse. My opinion is right, any differing opinion is 100% wrong.

Rare photo of a Lada class sub in action.

Eh probably same crap of not wanting to piss off Assad. My enemy's enemy is my friend.

indeed. one of my good old favorite tank games was armored fist. the graphics were pretty blocky but the sounds... they were awesome. I just fired rounds off just to hear the loader say "sabot! UP!! FIRE! On the way. BOOM!"