Unpopular opinion: These times call for white women to make things right.
Unpopular opinion: These times call for white women to make things right.
White women who want to broadcast their politics (in addition to actually taking action, ahem) could also just wear a t-shirt from Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, Amnesty, SPLC, CAIR, BLM, NOW, NPR, DNC ... the possibilities are endless. Just anything at all besides almost literally #notallwhitewomen.
Lol, I don’t know why this made me chuckle.
Dear god we are just so very embarrassing.
Jeb Bush - Master of the Long Game
I can’t even get excited about Comey’s potential removal because Trump gets to replace him.
nailed it.
Why is anyone surprised to encounter a turd in the toilet?
The Universe really has a way of taking care of the Poetic Justice end of things, doesn’t it?
Somehow a man impersonating a politician being serenaded by a man impersonating a musician seems so perfect!
I know, right? He’s been doing Jon Stewart level work in dissecting Trump.
Take anyone successful at standup comedy and they will mop the floor when handling a buffoon.
He’s become one of my favorite late night people over the past year.
Who would have thought Seth Meyers would emerge as the hard-hitting late-night personality?
Yes. It’s amazing—I honestly keep thinking perhaps this is an altered timeline, that some evil scientist came back from the year 2100 and made this happen. It just feels like the universe is fundamentally broken in some way.
I swear every morning since the election I’ve woken up and had the horrible realization that Trump is going to be president over and over. It’s like the movie Groundhog Day without the comedy.
To be fair, the only thing she stole from the podiatrist’s website was footnotes.