Where did Israel and Palestine get peace?
Where did Israel and Palestine get peace?
I have zero doubt that he would seriously love to have Ivanka all to himself. His dream is probably if she is widowed and never remarries and he can “comfort” her all of the rest of his days. He is completely in love with her...because she’s part him. Blech.
It’s perfect! He sends Jared off to the Middle East “and don’t come back until there’s peace!” Donald will finally have Ivanka all to himself. Maybe she’ll move into the White House, what with Melania staying in NYC...
Also, it has been FUCKING RICH to watch SNL act like they have a moral compass or some political insight these last couple of weeks. The sad moralizing at the end of the election and now, “Oh, Democrats lost because they be like, ‘what gender is?’ right!”
This is the show that not only had Trump on but let him fucking…
A lot of reasons, but the TL;DR reasons are a) French history of aggression in the Middle East in North Africa, and b) longstanding social and political marginalization of ethnic and religious minorities that makes those populations easy pickings for those who wish to radicalize them.
France is notoriously xenophobic, especially regarding Muslim immigrants. And don’t forget this is the place that banned women from covering their faces.
honestly? because it’s a country that treats immigrants terribly. ISIS depends on western nations treating Muslims bad, because that’s how they recruit. Most Muslims would never, but after 10+ years of being spat upon, suddenly ISIS begins to look good. So ISIS preys on nations that treat Muslims bad, in order to spur…
The boring, non-Biblical explanation for the bulk of the misery - at least for the first half of the year and the flood of deaths - is that the Baby Boomers are hitting that part of the life expectancy curve that starts to sharply get steeper, and ‘iconic’ celebrities are massively over-represented by that generation.
He is at fault. Let us never doubt this nor underestimate his evil. Sharon was taken from us by his sheer awfulness.
I can’t imagine Melania has any intention of fulfilling the duties— or even an idea what they are — of being First Lady.
Not to generalize, but I’m sure most women who marry old sacks of crap like Trump are eventually hoping to be wealthy widows. Becoming First Lady must be the worst possible outcome for Melania.
She was hoping she’d be free of him November 9th. Instead, she’s stuck for another 4-8 years.
Because men are stinky poopoos!
Is it a coincidence that this also falls on World Toilet Day?
But would Scaramucci do the Fandango?
can you imagine how many notifications you’d have to clear when you were brought back to life? It makes me anxious just thinking about it.
As a Jew, I consider it my moral obligation to call out and prevent another Holocaust. Not just against my fellow Jews, but against any other group (and no, there ain’t no fucking “white genocide”). And there is a goddamn madman in charge of Syria. And I hate ISIS but that doesn’t mean that I support cozying up to a…
Because vagina.
Because media.