My friend is marrying a Braidy.
My friend is marrying a Braidy.
There was no gun.
Trump lacks the stamina to fight off his own assassin.
I like candidates who weren’t rushed offstage, okay?
Thats not going to stop him.
One bled over the cuckold’s nest
Now that they’ve been convicted, I wonder if the Feds will give them a lighter sentence in exchange for something damaging on Christie. Unless Trump wins and pardons him, it looks like the it’s curtains for everyone’s least favorite emotional eater!
I noticed that after her zinger about him now paying taxes, there was a pause before he called her a nasty woman. I bet that he was trying very hard not to call her a cunt on national TV.
Yeah I had high hopes for the debate.
I confess I was praying he’d say that during one of the debates.
He’s said it a mllion times. He just hasn’t tweeted it.
We all knew it was coming.
Beautiful execution, stuck the landing. 10/10
Chances he’s a Trump supporter now: 100%
When I was young our house was broken into and I noticed the intruder hiding under my moms bed by looking in a floor length mirror she had. Guess who’s not a fan of using a bed frame?
For me it’s the fact that he was so controlled about it that he could be like, didn’t go according to plan? K, boldy say bye and head out for the next round. GAH. So much premeditation.
For whatever reason, I was the most terrified by the mental image of a would-be attacker crawling on the floor. Just fucking terrifying.
I thought the one with the girl who dreamed about her dead friend and woke up and the dead friend was laying next to her in bed screaming was the scariest one. That one freaked me the fuck out