
Oh no! I just placed another order to supplement my earlier purchase (I already have the old purple Women’s Rights Are Human Rights shirt from her primary campaign), and this makes me scared! I want my “¡Presidenta!” pin and “A woman’s place is in the White House” tank!

Well, kids have always had to bring their own pencils. It’s essentially the same concept. At least in my class, the individual whiteboards are used as essential parts of the lesson (spelling practice, vocab recognition, checking for understanding), so not having markers holds up the class and hinders their practice.

A lot of teachers use individual dry erase boards in class; the markers are for the kids to use, not the teacher!

These people are fucking bananas tho, let’s be real.

New Jersey, oddly enough, is one of 3 states with paid maternity leave. Despite our shit-ass governor, we’re a pretty liberal state, and he hasn’t tried to limit abortion rights (he did screw over PP, but the legislature has been fighting him tooth and nail and to my knowledge none have closed*). It costs a ton, but I

Hey, I teach 6th graders, and to be honest most are way more empathetic and sensible than Trump.

On my long-ass (technical term) flight back from Cambodia to NYC, I encountered a non-locker in one of the bathrooms, except I knew he was in there (saw him go in, watched in horror as he didn’t lock the door, waited). But worst! WORST! He pissed all over the floor! DUDE! Sit the fuck down on a turbulent flight, no

WHOA that does sound delicious! I want to try it!

I wish Tim Kaine were my dad. My actual dad is a Trump supporter :-/

True. Cobb salad is my weakness, and I know it’s loaded with calories but I don’t even care. I limit the dressing I use and go to town on the delicious stuff!

Fair enough. That looks AMAZING.

Fries *in* a salad?! That IS wacky! Sounds like something someone who’s going crazy from only eating roasted vegetables and fish would eat to feel alive.

I don’t think anyone says “salad” and actually means “taco salad” without specifying that it’s taco salad! It’s a special variety of salad that deserves to be specified. (IDK lol)

LOL I know, way harsh, Tai! But I think she’s cautious about singing live b/c she’s aware that she’s not great at it. Early on she sang live a few times and it rarely went well... there’s one I’m remembering, it was during an awards show, her mic was live and she was singing Stronger, and it was so bad you could

In what sad universe is salad a cheat food?! That actually made me a little sad for her. Food is supposed to be enjoyed!

That’s probably on purpose, tbh. She’s never been a great vocalist live.

I think it got better, more interesting and much more dramatic later in the season.

I’m not going to watch this trailer with my husband next to me (I’d feel guilty lol) but I’m SO GLAD it’s coming back! Time to find a way to watch this as it happens and not have to wait the million years until it makes it to the US.

I’m not super well known here, but I’ve been commenting for years on both Jez and Gawker, and posted for a while on GT. I’m sad about Gawker and hoping Jez makes it out alive. My #twinja is @piggywillow1

The Michael Che link isn’t working :’(