
Oh, governor or not he has absolutely no chance of winning. He's too much of a flaming jerk. He's written his own attack ads every time he loses his shit at people in public.

I'm still a little mad at Cory Booker for going the Senate route rather than governor. I think he would've won, or at least given Christie some sort of competition.

WAIT WAIT WAIT you can invite the Backstreet Boys to weddings and they SHOW UP!?!?!? Why is this not the headline BRB going to plan a wedding 13-year-old me is very excited that a BSB will show up

I don't think I would be able to forgive anyone for that confusion.

...yet. :-P

At this point who ISN'T running for president as a Republican?

I agree. Can we adopt my grandma's terminology and refer to our platonic relations as "ladyfriends"?

I hope to learn some while I'm there!

Long shot, but has anyone traveled with the tour company Mosaic North Africa? Or know someone who has? I can't find any reviews aside from their website, which is suspect. I'm trying to plan a trip and their tours look perfect (aka private) but I'm apprehensive.

He is quite cute. And if he speaks English, he probably has a sexy accent on top of it! rawr

I really want to know which prominent American politicians they're referring to.

I don't get the tone of this article. So they didn't instill certain values early enough; should they just let their unchecked consumerism and spoiled behavior go on forever, or try to shift their outlooks now? Anything that makes kids less obnoxious when it comes to Christmas is good in my book. There is nothing

Garth Brooks looks exactly like my brother in this video, who is coincidentally the biggest Garth Brooks fan on the planet. It's... really weird.

I've only been to one, 4 years ago. It was my first year at this place, and no one told me anything about what to expect, so I went home after work and changed into a nice pair of jeans and a pretty blouse figuring it'd be pretty chill. It turns out it was a formal affair. Not quite black-tie, but butler-passed

I'm generally not a violent person, but I have an uncontrollable urge to punch his face whenever I see him.

I would be singing "Let My People Go" in the theater so it's probably a good thing I have no intention of supporting it.

Ohhh haven't heard that song in ages. It's so dramatic! I love it!

I have an extensive collection of 'fuck this' GIFs.

No, I agree. I'm not a prude and I don't mind a well-placed schlong now and then, but it seems like much of the nudity on GoT and other such shows is gratuitous and serves no real purpose. It's a lot of "hey look what we can get away with on cable!" rather than storytelling.