
Last year I made my boyfriend some Guinness beef stew and chocolate guinness cupcakes with peanut butter frosting. Both came out so well that he wanted them again this year. I made the stew this afternoon, and it came out great, but I didn't have everything I needed to make the same cupcake recipe I did last year.

This is a very moving campaign, and out of curiosity I ran some similar searches. They were depressing, as I suspected, so I figured I'd see what I got for "men".

I'm surprised my news feed didn't blow up when this happened. I'm very excited for my state, even though the governor is a pompous bloviating ass.

I'm feeling rather bleh. My BF is a teacher (as am I), just started a new school in September, but his schedule is so crazy that he brings home a ton of work. Literally, he grades/plans/whatevers from the time he gets home until the time we go to bed, and all weekend. His last school was similar, and it bummed me

I have a couple more because I LOVE this thread, and I've always been drawn to sad songs.

"Baby Mine" from Dumbo, the song where Dumbo goes to visit his mom while she's locked up. It doesn't matter when or where but I hear that song and I start sobbing.

We piggies swim surprisingly well, considering our cloven hooves.

My nieces (10 and 8) have been behavioral nightmares pretty much since they could talk. They have problems at school, and are unpleasant at family gatherings. They are cranky and nasty 90% of the time. My sister doesn't put them to bed at any reasonable time; there have been nights when I've been over and both

I've been thinking a lot this week about double standards. It was sort of brought up with the murder of Adrian Peterson's son, and how he, as far as I know, played today only a couple of days after a tragedy. I'm not one to judge — people grieve in different ways, process at different speeds — but it immediately

I made a chocolate peanut butter mug cake in the microwave a little while ago. It was delicious and worth the effort of mixing it all up (which in my lazy state took a lot of energy to muster). Not necessarily my favorite dessert — do I have one? I have so many! — but a quick and easy one that is continuing to make

I knew what a cervix looked like. I really had no reason to click on those pictures. And yet... and yet... I did. And the bloody one. The leaky one. Oh. my. god. I am not squeamish but that got me somewhere right in the gut and I was just *gag*

That sounds amazing though! $10,000 would give me a bit of a heart attack but it sounds like a once-in-a-lifetime thing! I keep trying to remind myself of the whole "you'll regret more what you didn't do than what you did" and while it's not always financially viable, it's definitely true! Good luck!!!!

That sounds AMAZING! I'm incredibly jealous! For some reason Prague has climbed to the top of my list, and I figure if I'm there I might as well go other places — so I'm thinking Prague, Vienna, Budapest. I hear Prague is reasonably priced for Europe but don't know about the others. Europe is always a sort of

Where are you thinking about going? I have so many places on my list that I can't decide where I want to go next summer, but I'm about 85% sure that I need to go somewhere lol

I love to travel, but I had put it on hold for a while because (a) BF has never traveled and (b) I would totally travel by myself - and have in the past - but I had a hard time justifying the cost. Finally convinced BF to go to Costa Rica this summer, and we did. It was SO MUCH FUN to be traveling again, and I kick

Aside from being written in the first-person present tense, which I find really distracting, I really enjoyed the Hunger Games and thought that it holds up to the classic dystopian novels like Fahrenheit 451 and 1984. I mean, obviously the level of writing is a little different — different audience — but it's

Only tangentially related, but the excerpt above mentions the would-be bride's age. Is there a reason why news articles mention people's age when it's generally irrelevant to the story? Like, it doesn't matter to me that she was 29; she could've been 59 or 19 and it still would've been sad for her. But even in

They... they even sort of sound alike... how can that be?!

I actually take 5-HTP in the morning for mood support, and I've definitely noticed an improvement overall in my mood and my general anxiety. Unfortunately it doesn't soothe me acutely, I just notice a general trend. But maybe I'll try the magnesium, I think I have a supplement actually. Thanks!

Thank you! I think I'm going to find a doctor this week and get in ASAP.