Happy birthday, birthday twin! Did you know Hulk Hogan shares our day? That's the only semi-celebrity I've ever heard of born on Aug. 11. So cheers! :)
Happy birthday, birthday twin! Did you know Hulk Hogan shares our day? That's the only semi-celebrity I've ever heard of born on Aug. 11. So cheers! :)
Douchebaggery aside, and it is some monumental douchebaggery indeed — who the hell sends 'save the dates' for a birthday party? Do people not just send out invitations? I hate this trend where every 'milestone' needs to be a huge thing. Huge rented-hall first birthday parties are for the parents, not the kid — why…
And happy belated birthday :) go Leos!
Thank you! I'm sure once I'm there I'll forget all my sads. I actually wanted to be IN CR for my birthday but the airfare was significantly more expensive so I settled for a post-BD flight. Oh well. You're right — I'll count it from my first delicious meal and tropical drink on Tuesday :)
Thank you! I'm sorry you're in the same boat. Growing up does suck — it sucked in my early 20s (adapting to life after college = roughhh), and it sucks even worse now! lol At least you still get to see yours... it seems like mine always has better things to do than squeeze me in. Sigh.
My job (private school teacher) has an atmosphere like you mentioned — dysfunctional family. Everyone's super close and BFFs and their kids babysit their colleague's kids and so on, and meanwhile everyone is miserable with the amount of work they make us do for mediocre pay. Morale is terrible, but people seem to…
Good luck! I hear you — I started my current job 3 years ago and they had me teaching 6th grade French alone — after I'd only taught high school (Spanish for 3 years, French for 1). I was terrified, but it was totally one of my favorite classes and I wound up loving the freedom I had in planning alone. Last year I…
Today's my birthday! And I should be happy but I'm not! :-/ I tried not to put too much pressure on it since in the past it's only disappointed me — it's like New Year's, another day with huge amounts of social pressure to be *best day everrr* but it rarely is — but I'm still bummed. I chose not to drive the hour…
I would be all over these... literally, I guess lol
I've come to realize that I am decidedly "not-wedding", at least insofar as being in one. I have a really hard time feigning interest in flower arrangements and other such things. And it's mind-boggling what a bride will put her "friends" through to create the "perfect" photo op.
My future SIL is making us bridesmaids wear cowboy boots. I'll never wear them again. oh, and we also need heels for the church, so we have to buy TWO pairs of shoes.
Holy crap. That is a surrealist nightmare.
Nobody else is paying for it; it's coming from the premiums we ourselves pay.
Just commenting to say that I got my new IUD just last week for no copay, not even for the visit (I knew the device itself was free but I was expecting my regular office visit copay). Thanks, Obama!
I've posted under my old name (piggywillow) but I'm only just re-registering to post here. Just needed to vent because I bought a huge bunch of kale from a farmer's market, went to wash it off to make some kale chips and there were larvae all up on my leaves. Washing them didn't get them all off; I accidentally…