
1) I’ll probably vote for Hillary Clinton for a number of reasons, even though I dig Bernie and what he’s doing for lefty politics.

Well, given that a major astronomer was removed from his post this year after harassing a bunch of students.... I don’t think the outrage by women scientists at Tim Hunt’s statements are a storm in a teacup. There are definitely a lot of systemic problems, and I think a fair amount of the response to it was pretty

He was let go of an honorary position given to him by a different university than the one he has his actual lab in. I think that’s pretty much in line for anyone that made a big gaffe like that, and then backed it up with a pretty crummy apology. Given how freaking frequently it is that women are put down and

One of the primary difficulties in the ethics of fast fashion is that boycotting these brands doesn’t help...When not specifically called for by the laborers, USAS and other labor organizations contend that consumer-created boycotts often harm workers more than they help. Anti-brand is not the same thing as

Here is the best take on the whole thing that I’ve seen on it.

Your answer is informative, helpful, and non-judgmental. I hate it and I hate you, too.

Oh, hell no. Never. Never. Trump is a buffoon but Putin is an ex-KGB agent who makes no qualms about being a real life Bond villain.

Aw hell no. Trump is awful but Putin has blood on his hands.

And I don’t know who does the polls

I actually loved the sound. Things felt heavy, organic, present. Unlike the prequels (which I didn’t hate as much as some), it felt like it was a proper world populated by characters and the things they interacted with, not a videogame.

I just thought he was wounded from the blaster shot and therefore didn’t have the reaction time to defend himself.

I half expected a “Dad?” to come up when Luke lifted his hood. Oh well. I have to guess they’re either going to make her a Skywalker or she will be a descendant of a not or barely mentioned Jedi.

Man what a good movie. It was really fun and really delightful on so many levels. There were some weird parts, to be sure, but they can easily be overlooked.

So, that was a fun movie! And funny, too.

Even as a kid, I couldn’t believe how much they spent on pizza!

This looks awesome. Note: upon re-watching “Home Alone” with my son this year, he couldn’t believe how opulent the McCallisters’ home/neighborhood was — it’s a total time capsule of white, suburban ‘90s excess, including the casual option of flying 15 family members to Paris for the holidays. Kid-oriented movies and

Distance happened.

This is why I love science. Every so often somebody takes a concept and expands upon it in such profound and unique ways that fundamentally change the way people look at the world.

This is why I love art. Every so often somebody takes a concept and expands upon it in such profound and unique ways that fundamentally change the way people look at the world.

SO AWESOME!!!!! I really want a trailer badly!