
is it just me or does meghan trainor looks like ted cruz

Ok, then I will use she. Before that, she was more or less gender fluid, not that it changes anything for the next hour spent listening to her music.

Naomi may be everything you just said, but that doesn't change the fact that Anohni is a she.

When your dream is a remake of a recreation of someone else’s work.... maybe stop dreaming.

I like Sansa! :(

Happy International Women’s Day.

But more importantly, how good a football player was he in college?

Oh my god, the rest of the world has discovered otherkin.

But full of Gungans though.

Have you played it? I have, and I’d have happily spent $60 on it. It costs $40.

Hustler seems like a really, really odd choice of publication for this kind of interview.

These sort of systemic changes, that get at the structure of an “old boys club,” while never sufficient on their own, are 10000% good news. How did this not happen decades ago?

Geisha = Japan, foot binding = China. China =/= Japan.

I’d argue she is actually more famous than duchovney now. Especially after Hannibal and The Fall. Other than Californication, has Duchovney done anything of note? Not to mention she hasn’t had any addiction problems, is generally a better actress, and somehow managed to Benjamin button herself.

It’s awesome she was able to get equal pay, and even more awesome that she’s not being quiet about the bullshit. Hopefully this will continue to encourage other female co-stars to speak out about things like this.

As someone who left Destiny in year 1, came back for HoW, deliberated on whether or not to purchase TTK, and then did so day 1, I left again at the end of November of last year for the same reasons as the first time, with a sprinkling of what is mentioned above.

probably STDS (Sudden Teen Death Syndrome).

You know, the intellectual side of me agrees with you, but the emotional side of me says “nope” to Chipotle right now. Not because of the numbers so far, but because they clearly do not yet have a handle on this. I’m not eating there again until I’m confident they do. E Coli is no joke.