
Wow that escalated quickly, huh? Just wanted to tell you, when I read your original post I didn’t get anything that sounded like you challenging Wong-Wear or her anger over “sidekick”. I just read it as your own take on the situation, which if anything, added another interesting perspective. Thanks for the interesting

All she said was that she personally was not offended by it. Why are we up in arms? Meanwhile the article literally tells us we should be offended by it. .........

I am going to take the fact that I was banished back to the greys at the same time we hit loggerheads as a coincidence and not Gawker Media trying to quiet dissent (as minor as it maybe) I could understand if I had been racist or dismissive, but I was neither. The perfect way to show your hand, eh?

That you ended this with a question mark seems to indicate that maybe you even realize that’s not what she was doing in the first place?

I live in seattle and there’s a pretty well documented case of people trying to get the Chop Suey to change their name. Is is kind of funny that her band is playing there and it coincides so perfectly with this asian sidekick story.

“I’m not sure that you get to tell an Asian woman what Asian stereotypes she gets to be offended by.”

I am not one to try to take away someones agency and I am sorry if it seemed that way. I was giving my view on the situation and the fact that I find a bar named “Chop Suey” more offensive then the term “sidekick”. When I hear the words “Chop Suey” all I can think about is that racist musical.

I am part Asian (Korean) and female. And back in the greys it would appear...

Sorry, but it seems to be reaching. If they had referred to her as a “dragon lady” or “lotus blossom”, I could understand. But then again I am not her.....

Honestly, that has to be the last thing that came to this part Asians mind. I would of taken offense at the words “Macklemore” and “hella”.

Saving a bathtub of water with pasta salad? I don’t know what that means but I do know that pasta salad is disgusting.

The new one definitely has better line of sight. Luke’s quote from A New Hope, “I can’t see anything is this helmet” wasn't even in the script. He just legitimately couldn't see shit.


I think you might be taking the genre descriptions in Kotaku’s internal review assignment sheet a little too seriously.

The new one looks to be a little short for a stormtrooper.

There is no game I’m more excited to review next year than FFXV. Whether it’s excellent, terrible, or somewhere in between, it’ll be such an interesting game to dissect and discuss.

Persona 5. Simply because I know it’s going to be fun. Goofy and silly fun. If it’s like P3&4 it’s going to tick a whole bunch of all the right boxes for me.

Seriously? No leather apron? Not even any gloves or anything even resembling PPE aside from a respirator he’s only grudgingly wearing?!

Reporter: Tom, do you like Don Trump?

What about Star Citizen of Black Desert, thos e are pretty groundbreaking!