
Pretty much anything that isn't a dyson. Dysons have been pretty much proven to be absolute crap. 1/4 the suction of a kirby, even when the kirby is clogged. 90 degree bends in the hoses to cause clogs.

Basically, they're designed like an apple product, pretty looking, but just broken enough to piss you off if you

Pretty much anything that isn't a dyson. Dysons have been pretty much proven to be absolute crap. 1/4 the suction

Bronies. Just....bronies.

A little showboaty, but at least he didn't oversing the anthem like every shitty pop star. stretching "free" "brave" into 4 bars over 8 octaves.

My understanding is that it's a thai orphanage in thailand. Most folks in that part of the world learn the queen's english because colonialism still hasn't quite died yet.

I'd say by this time in the story, Krillin would stand a pretty good chance...

The biggest bother for me was the fact that i couldn't jump, and most of the combat sections were VERY shooter on rails (oops, 3 inch ledge, can't jump or step up that to get closer to the enemy).

Not happy about 30FPS? Shouldn't have wasted money on a console.

The thing that nobody ever takes into account is the sheer physical size of our communications networks in america, and how much it costs for upkeep. When you talk about the internet connections in japan, sure, it's easy to wire up 100K square miles with super high speed internet, and if something breaks, you're

easy, you can literally just hit dodge and not take any damage for the entire game. you don't even need the arrow keys. just mash space.

Does anyone else find videos like this really sad? If you lose your shit that hard over a video game character, you must have a pretty dissatisfying life outside of video games.


Look at all those pretty Volkswagen beetles!

"While they're replica swords sold via Amazon and not actual katana,"

"replica sword" means "stainless steel" and "unsafe to handle like a real sword"

A thousand dollars for a wallhanger. Holy shit. You can get a REALLY nice battle ready practical example for that and still have money left over to glue bits of fake fur

"the best part of this game is the climax of the game!"

That's some quality reporting right there.

Well the game itself is just BL2 DLC...

Please try again. I'm going to ASSUME you didn't read the entire paragraph.

I never used the word "strategy" when describing starcraft, other than to say it isn't one. What I said is it boils down to finding the most broken route to build your units, and just repeating it over and over. That's not a strategy,

I just don't see where the game is...

You know what assumptions do? Make an ass, mostly out of you. I couldn't possibly think of two less congruent statements if I tried. Lets try "apples and oranges are both fruits, but you sound like the kind of person who thinks alfredo is too cheesy!"

Please try again.

these guys "blacksmith" even less than the first man at arms did. They didn't even make this one out of anything resembling a steel you'd use in a blade. All plasma cutters and grinders, no forges or autohammers here.

Icemakers are elecrically powered. Ice is made from water. Do the math.