
I have well over a thousand hours in Starcraft. It just boils down to finding a strategy that works the majority of the time and repeating it over and over and over. If I wanted to do the same thing over and over in a joyless routine, i'd play an MMO.

That's because Warcraft and Starcraft aren't strategy games, they're action games. No strategy involved, just find a broken build route and do it over and over again. Starcraft is pretty much good as a mouse test program and little else.

Casual games are definately games. What is NOT a game however, is "generic indie retro grafix puzzle game #99981993" Gotten to the point where I see an "indie" tag in the title and i think "great, another boring 'retro' puzzle game, just what i fucking wanted".

Try and find yourself a 26b lemans 4 rotor.

Guy fawkes?