As someone who sold eyewear for a long time, unless your sunglasses have spring hinges, just don’t put them on top of your head. It’s wider than the front and causes the frames to splay and warp.
As someone who sold eyewear for a long time, unless your sunglasses have spring hinges, just don’t put them on top of your head. It’s wider than the front and causes the frames to splay and warp.
It’s not necessarily the graphics I worry and care about, it’s the limitations of an old engine that was already terrible when it came out. You can have the fanciest multicore PC in the world, but Gamebryo can’t take advantage of more than one core natively, tie in all the animation and physics weirdness inherent in…
Garbage. I might have bought this one if they’d put ANY work into it at all. I’m not dumb enough to pay for the same engine 5 times, Bethesda.
Even when it first came out, I found Halo to be clunky and dated. I’d been playing better stuff on my PC for years already. I never understood the fanboyism over it.
Lots of teleporting and sliding into combat animations. Anyone want to take bets that you’ll be able to go the entire game without taking damage simply by mashing “dodge” like in Shadow of Mordor?
You should get a radio button option when you start a game of HL2, Male or Female. The choice makes no difference to the game. you never see your own body.
I dunno. Japan has A LOT heinously unhealthy food, the difference is they don’t make it into a dinner every evening a’la the McFamily
I’m pretty sure the explaination is complete rubbish, simply because the key is passive, and it would have to replicate the “hello” signal that the key sends in response to the car. Without the key being in range, you wouldn’t be able to do this. My money is on a box that is loaded with stolen key code information…
You can do the job much quicker and from a few feet away with some ninja rocks (busted up porcelain collar of a spark plug). Toss a little bit into the window and it will shatter INSTANTLY.
Maybe it wasn't a sexist agenda and you just needed to show your work?
Perfectly fine to comment on men's bodies around here as I see all the time. Maybe they got rid of those rules to get rid of a stupid double standard.
It's pretty representative of a culture that wants you to need a grand jury decision if you want to say "hi" to someone of the opposite sex. Eventually we're going to get to the point (if we haven't already) that women think ALL men are rapists, due to this stuff being pushed wholesale.
Lets ask ladies how they'd…
Time for this guy to switch to a DE or safety razor. doesn't cut under the skin level, so you'll likely never get an ingrown.
Fuck this guy. Lowest common denominator bullshit. Next.
Telltale games are the absolute lowest common denominator. Lower than indie puzzle game clones. Choose your own adventure novels for people who can use a computer, but are still too stupid to have an imagination and read.
Average telltale formula - 1.) buy license 2.) FIRE ANYONE WHO THINKS OF ANYTHING REMOTELY…
Glad to see this is back, and even more glad to see that there are some developers out there that still have courage enough to develop stuff like this. In an age where sensitivity and political correctness are being foist upon gaming, and every second title is "shitty retro grafix puzzle game clone…
90% of this is stolen footage that isn't given credit.
At least Polish developers have the balls to release something controversial, instead of all this whitewashed bullshit that the standard AAA studios put out.
If this is so terrible, tell me how Postal 2 is till on the steam store, you can literally burn people to death and piss the fire out in that game.