I find it hugely ironic that you judged another person for having the music taste of a thirteen year old yet by all appearances you have the maturity of a thirteen year old.
I find it hugely ironic that you judged another person for having the music taste of a thirteen year old yet by all appearances you have the maturity of a thirteen year old.
A “woman” who promotes harmful beauty standards and extreme vapidity, has done absolutely nothing of value for society and apparently defends racists despite having a black husband? That’s who you want to make a victim out of? Someone who is the complete antithesis of feminism? Someone who does a better job of…
“Again, many rapists do feel regret. And many of them can be educated, realize that their behavior is unacceptable to the point of ruining lives and understand that their ‘right’ to sex does not erase another person’s right to sexual and psychological integrity.”
But you are a rape apologist.
“He would deny everything, perhaps effectively, believing he was right.”
So if you find out that he’s gone on to rape other women, would you regret not pressing charges on him?
Are you a fugitive rapist? Because you talk just like one.
This is from a rape apologist....
Unless you’re a complete idiot, there is no confusion about what rape is. If someone makes it obvious that they do not wish to have sex with you through verbal or body language and you ignore their cues for you to stop only to force yourself on them, it’s rape. It not as difficult a concept as you make it out to be.…
Why was the landlord not arrested or punished in some way for providing unsafe living conditions? This doesn’t make sense to me.
Is looking for things to be outraged about what people do when they are bored?
Is being monitored considered a punitive measure? This is a serious question.
You dismissed people’s opinions on the matter by saying in your very own words that they are “putting their opinions above the justice system” as if they are not supposed to question the justice system. Explain what other interpretation does such a statement warrant.
“Everyone who says she doesn’t deserve to be free or have a life or make babies is essentially saying that they value their own opinions more than those of the justice system. And that way lies vigilantism and mob rule.”
How generous of you to admit that raping and murdering children is just bad. That’s very big of you.
The same justice system that routinely fails rape victims by placing the focus on how they are at fault for their own assault instead of prosecuting the people who choose to rape?
I feel like you missed the point of my comment. Yes he has no choice but to be treatment compliant when he’s being monitored, but who knows how consistent he’ll be without supervision? Given what he is capable of when he’s not on medication, it’s too dangerous to assume he can always be trusted look after his own…
I feel like you missed the point of my comment. Yes he has no choice but to be treatment compliant when he’s being monitored, but who knows how consistent he’ll be without supervision? Given what he is capable of when he’s not on medication, it’s too dangerous to assume he can always be trusted look after his own…
Canada is also where a man who beheaded and cannibalized another man on a bus has been released from a psychiatric ward, is able to change his name and is no longer being monitored to ensure that he takes his medication for his mental illness.
Do your really believe a serial murderer and rapist can be rehabilitated?