
Of course female criminals, no matter how horrific their crimes always deserve a second chance. There would be no hesitation about judging if she was a man.

Would you refrain from judging if she was a man?

I like how you’re downplaying your father raping your mother (because that’s what it was) just because it benefited you.

And the women who cheat on them and knowingly trick them into raising a child they know they did not father aren’t assholes?

Your wife’s overreaction suggests that someone has once told her she smelled like fish and she has yet to let go of it. A healthy vagina does not smell like fish, so of course it is offensive and ignorant to say that is the default smell of all women (and it says a lot about the type of women these prisoners used to

You sound like an asshole, but then again you are a piece of trash who committed armed robbery, so...

Most women are not aware of their pregnancy during their first month. If she had irregular periods, it is possible that she may have gone even longer before finding out.

Admiring a woman’s great ass reinforces her primary value as a decorative object and her availability for comment and judgement. She walks away as an object, which she always was. The status of all women as objects is reinforced. Male supremacy is reinforced, and all women are affected.

Disgusting. Abominable. Why am I just learning about this? Why wasn’t the outrage over this much louder? This sounds like something Trump would do.

Progressive Canadians very much do not like him.

I read somewhere that they will introduce legislation on marijuana legalization in April, in time for 4/20.

I agree. But he had to have known how complicated electoral reform is. He shouldn’t make promises he knows are too difficult to keep.

When did this happen? Why?

Too bad Sophie wasn’t there to karate chop that bitch.

I do hope the NDP actually win an election one day if only so people realize they will not be much better than the other parties at making all our dreams come true.

Thank you for saying this. I am so so annoyed with people dismissing him as an idiot simply because he is not his father. What a binary way of thinking. Most of us are less intelligent than someone else in some way, does that mean we’re all stupid?

Trump’s threats to do away with NAFTA won’t affect Germany. Merkel can freely insult Trump without worrying that a country she shares a border with might have its despotic leader declare war on her because she said mean things about him. She has a lot less to lose than Trudeau does by virtue of not being USA’s literal

Thank you. Thank you for looking at this from an objective standpoint instead of an emotional one. I’m sorry, but if you continue to hang out with your rapist and send him cutesy messages about how much you love him, you betterthink twice about going public with your claims of being raped because no one will believe

No, most of us CANNOT understand “loving” someone who treats you so horribly. Probably it’s because some of us haven’t only ever experienced abuse so we know not to interpret that behavior as normal. We know what love and respect looks like and what it doesn’t. Maybe if you understood this difference our

Shut up, you racist idiot. Black women likely don’t even notice your pathetic existence and if they dislike you it's because you’re stupid and annoying, not because you’re white.