The Whore of Evil Beckoning You into the Brothel of Despair

The DNC torpedoed Sanders. There were a couple emails and news stories floating around about it a few months ago.

I think the Bills having the longest active streak without a playoff appearance (16 seasons and counting) justifies the existential misery.

Damnit, my bad, man, I keep forgetting the Kinja settings.

Yeah, because pointing out an oddity means I think I’m better than him.

My goodness, did the guy he savagely attacked at least get the Bronze for Figure Skating?

Finally, Richard Sherman admits to pass interference.

If we’re going to suspend every men’s team for offensive emails distributed within themselves, this is the slippery slope the NCAA is forced to operate on.

No stadium could contain that much grit. Just not possible.

Man imagine the cornfed blue collar football guys they will attract. No glory boys, just good players from good families who will really become students of the game. I say go for it.

***Your handle, it is poetry***

I think it’s great these schools aren’t being a bunch of big pussies about this flap and will snatch the opportunity to punish these little twats for their misogynistic comments.

College coaches are now combing through their recruits to make sure none of them have Microsoft EXCEL on their CVs.

Swinton shouldn’t have any white guilt in the first place

Brown not calling Noel’s name is just another attack in the continuing War on Christmas.

Yep. Licensed hunting with a specific number of tags is often what pays for the conservation of certain species and helps the federal government manage more overpopulated species. In general, legal hunters and fishers are a boon for conservation efforts. They are as invested or more so in conservation than crunchy

Maybe, but it is better than going into it with someone who is in favor of selling everything off.

The amount of knowledge the left, and specifically metroplex liberals, have for conservation, hunting, fishing and national forests could fit in a kids shoebox.

Agreed. That’s at least one good thing he believes in.

I’m actually really happy he picked someone who does not support selling off Federal lands. A lot of the damage the Republicans want to do can be undone, but it would be very hard for the government to reacquire those lands once sold off.