No. Teenagers are pretty much assholes regardless of economic standing.
No. Teenagers are pretty much assholes regardless of economic standing.
You left out RICH when describing those teenagers :)
Using gay slurs, saying mean things about classmates and inappropriate things about girls? Technology may have changed the platform but it’s safe to say that this generation didn’t invent any of that.
Maybe it’s because I went to a public school, but when I went to high school, we didn’t engage in that sort of beha......
Gpodawund died of dehydration after seeing the team take the field.
To capitalize on the Indians’ success, the Browns launch their own Native American mascot, Gpodawund.
Most of these cities lump the stadium into the Parks and Rec departments. So dumping 100 bags of grass seed to the stadium instead of say a youth soccer field goes unnoticed. just a larger part of the scam.
On Friday, independent auditor Fred Brousseau told NBC Bay Area that it is possible taxpayer funds were used to reseed the field several times.
It would have been nice for the Bucs if there’d been some sort of history or evidence that maybe he had the wrong attitude.
Ugh, never United. QPR game in 2012 was better, but a different kind of excitement.
+1. She’s also doing a fantastic job presenting information about the case in an impartial and factual manner, which I know many would find difficult to do.
Diana thank you for keeping this story front & center, it is not really being reported on that heavily.
Besides your irrelevant math—the NCAA isn’t the entity that gives players scholarships, schools and conferences made much more money combined than the $912 million of the NCAA, only about 60 percent of that $912 million goes to schools and even less of that to athletes, etc.—the fact that there are numerous sensible…
How are they gonna get the one she leaves up your ass for saying that?
The really fucked up thing here is how, behind closed doors, Hillary Clinton talks exactly like… Hillary Clinton.
“Everything about her career suggests”
He seems like a bad guy but let’s not make him out to be a Nazi just yet.
The Ravens announced that as soon as the fan’s condition is upgraded to stable, they will hold a press conference for him to apologize for his role in the incident.
I can’t get passed how crappy and lazy this work is to even be offended.
It’s funnier if you imagine that the fan was John Henry