All true, but the money Harper and Machado are looking for at the back end of their contracts isn’t DH money. It’s 5 tool player money.
All true, but the money Harper and Machado are looking for at the back end of their contracts isn’t DH money. It’s 5 tool player money.
This guy’s biggest error in judgment is that his favorite band is Pearl Jam.
So is Deadspin officially no longer a sports site, and just Gawker renamed?
Or he is a judge and sees this shit and worse all day every day and has a much different understanding of the criminal justice system in America than someone who only reads about on the internet.
No shit. Maybe Rat Face should worry about his own team’s sportsmanship before he worries about another coach’s team.
Where can one read the statement from the university investigator?
Interesting discussion on the impact of the APR standards on HBCU in light of Scalia’s comments yesterday.
If you are an attorney and you fell for that trick in 2015 I can’t feel sorry for you.
It’s good to see Gawker is making its anti-First Amendment position open and obvious for all to see and evaluate.
Is this really news to anyone. Statistically the SAT scores of D1 football and basketball players are about 200 points below other admitted students. (Google it) It would seem irresponsible for universities who bring these students in to fill their stadiums and turn on TVs not to have degree programs that reflect…
Actually, the entire incident is result of members of rival gangs shooting at each other and the shots fired had nothing to do with the protest marking the one year anniversary of Michael Brown’s death. Gawker posted a video earlier that explained this.
Why not, he clearly breached the well known duty in the common law to avoid morons who get out of their race car — on the race track—during a race —- who tries to punch you through the window of your race car—while you are racing.
Mike Moosetacos
Maybe there is a lesson to be learned in your observation.
I have a very hard time believing the Big 10 would have taken Kansas, and to a lesser extent Iowa State. Not totally horrible schools academically, but certainly not the caliber of the rest of the Big 10. I also have a hard time believing the Oklahoma and Kansas legislatures would have allowed OU and KU respectively…
But bumpingfresh that isn’t remotely what SAS said. Reading between the lines SAS said, “if black lives matter we need to stop killing each other.”
Gronk is a true American hero. Has anyone ever had more fun without spending one cent of his NFL signing bonuses or salary?
Young, poor, uneducated white males are every bit as ill equipped to deal with their rage and misdirected blame for the miserable hand life dealt them as young black youth in Baltimore (which is not to compare the riots in Baltimore to the shooting in Charleston as clearly 9 people did not needlessly die in a church…
I can’t believe they didn’t allow you to hold up everyone on the course behind you while you and pops made complete fools of yourselves. They denied you your God given right to be selfish self -absorbed fuckwads whenever and wherever you want. That is NOT How the constitution works. Those petty motherfuckers.
REminds me of Todd Snider’s Talkin Seattle Grunge Rock Blues