Oh, great! Now I have to get dressed to play video games?! No thanks!
Oh, great! Now I have to get dressed to play video games?! No thanks!
Weird hill for him to die on, but at least he’ll be dead I guess.
Superhero stories in general have a perhaps unresolvable thematic conflict with the police. There’s no real way to remove the subject of vigilantism from the equation. Regardless of whether a police force is portrayed as purely good or almost entirely corrupt, the message is that they’re unable to handle the level of…
This was 100% my problem with Steve’s position in Civil War, really.
So “communal knowledge” might not be the best wording, but basically, the whole speech is based on the ideal that a single individual’s determination of what is right and wrong is more valid than the social, historical or scientific consensus. Yes, the consensus can be wrong, and should be challenged, but it should be…
Hot take: I’ve always hated the “No, you move” speech. (here’s the speech for reference)
I was really struggling to think of how Straczynski “[set] the stage for the Spider-Verse”. Did he mean the comic story or the movie?
I have a feeling people are learning all the right lessons from Into the Spiderverse. The visual style, at least from the trailer, is fantastic.
Are you a little girl from 4 to 11 years of age? ‘Cus that’s the demographic Disney is going for. A lot of girls that age love that cringey Disney princess shit.
Wow that’s....pretty damn boring. Having Omni-Man and Homelander in the same set of DLC is just redundant.
Glad to see Ermac in there, seeing as how this is a reboot (respawn? reKombobulant? I mean it’s still the same continuity still...) I was really not expecting him to get a spot, DLC makes sense. Not the least bit interested in any of the others though. Would have rather had Annie from The Boys rather than Homelander.…
Worst line of dialogue ever.
You’re saying Thanos, the serial kidnapper who mutilated his daughter every time she disappointed him, wasn’t abusive? Also I feel like murder is problematic.
Is there no one left in entertainment that isn’t a ginormo-gantuan piece of shit?
“Supervillians may have had the right idea all along.”
Because of your avatar, I read this in Huey Freeman’s voice and it was pretty on point.
Being disliked because of your personality, views and actions isn’t cancel culture, it’s just people not liking you or your work. It’s a part of the package deal of making something to entertain people. There’s is a chance you suck so much that people don’t like your work anymore. That’s just consequences.
What do you see.them as?