
That’s what women and minorities who fall in with far right wingers always forget. THEY WILL ALWAYS HATE YOU. It doesn’t matter how much you carry their water. They will always fucking hate you.

Wait... is nobody going to point out the irony of claiming that Clue is taking inspiration from Glass Onion? A movie that takes ample opportunity to specifically call it out as a terrible game (which it is)?

Yes, Chef.

Legends of Tomorrow now and forever!

That’s kinda beautiful. 

That’s enough internet for today, grandad. let’s get you back to bed

Lol I’m 44 and you sound so lame and old.

I don't say this to be mean, but God you sound like a fucking loser.

32 here, everyday I wake up and thank god I never became a "slang when I was young is good and all other slang is bad" person. Seems bleak.

I *cannot* believe the stir that *clearly* light-hearted jabbing article caused. Terminally online Tweeters were acting like y’all had just murdered a dog on livestream or something.

Anyways, back on topic: Arekay and iamBrandon are killin’ it in those pics!

Man you do sound old

In a similar vein, it would’ve been pretty funny if “Dr. Oz” was a show about a charlatan somehow placed into a position of direct public influence and leveraging it to make specious claims designed entirely to enrich him without regard for the knock-on effects of his actions.

Arguably, we could transition to Universal Basic Income and not starve, freeze or otherwise deprive people of their basic needs and dignity while we figure it out.

Still calling men with long hair girls, Chuck? 

Fuck you you fucking racist creep.

Perhaps the hentai isn’t to drum up publicity for the album, so much as the album is just a flimsy excuse to promote hentai.

I can kind of understand what they were going for, even if they horribly screwed it up. Some kind of Island of Dr. Moreau thing, with mad scientists experimenting on animals to make them sentient. In and of itself, that’s fine.

This one is really rough. I don’t know how this got through any person with any familiarity with minstrel shows or racism against black people in America.

I imagine there will be a public statement at some point once they’ve gotten their heads around a plan of action to both remedy THIS instance and further steps to

Pffft, did Hitler even have an only fans?

tbf, “barely an animation” describes a lot of anime...