Second best episode of the season.
Though the season was pretty mid.
Ant Ant is pretty good, tho
I think it’s telling that those dudes bang on about Ripley and Sarah Connor, but a lot of them also hated Furiosa despite being cut from the same cloth.
Kick in the door!
Now here’s an idea with some merit.
No Rival Schools or Saturday Night Slam Masters? Disappointing.
Seems like that is almost a requirement for Star Trek captains.
Oh dang, Luke Skywalker is gonna fight Armus!
Is gold edgy now? It’s hard to keep up.
As someone who plays on xbox, no I don’t remember that.
Is that real January 2022, or George R.R. Martin’s January 2022?
Based on the inclusion of the Toronto map, and the maple leaf on Sojourn’s shoulder, I’m gonna guess she’s not African American.
double-jumps are stupid because you can’t fucking jump mid-air.
I’m a bit freaked out imagining what D.Va Quinn’s meka would look like. Giant joker face, with her piloting from inside the laughing mouth?
Pretty sure most of them are dudes in armour.
I could not count the number of times I’ve said, “I’ll switch to heals if someone else can tank,” or “I’d love to tank if one of the DPS will switch to heals,” only to be met by crickets. Or worse, the one person that does respond says, “I’d switch, but I’m gold damage and/or elims.”
Play Deathmatch. She’s completely viable, and you don’t have to deal worry about someone else instalocking her. The only problem is that Brigitte v. Brigitte fights can drag a bit.
Her understanding of her body and consent matter more in this situation than my ego or your hot take.