There was no bigger Mega Man nut than me when I was a kid. (Heck, even now as a 33 year old)
There was no bigger Mega Man nut than me when I was a kid. (Heck, even now as a 33 year old)
The government prints $560 million a day....the dollar is guaranteed to collapse.
What if I use my paper money to roll one of those legal marijuana cigarettes? is it still worthless then? Lets see your bitcoin do that.
i would take a bet that it was something to do with a giant government conspiracy changing time zones/fake sun to make us think it is round etc. It is always a government conspiracy.
Ahh yes, Japan’s famous lack of censorship concerning sex things.
what percentage of Texas women voted for Trump, do ya think?
authoritarian clothing has always been a staple of punk culture, worn disheveled and adorned with spikes/patches/etc that are often added haphazardly as to show a clear disrespect for the original intent of the uniform.
Eh. I don’t think “virgin” is really an insult unless the other person chooses to take it that way; given, it’s used that way all the goddamned time, but frankly, “LOL, you haven’t had sex yet” is a fucking ridiculous way to come at someone.
That said, I completely agree that it was shitty to drop “consensual” in…
I want Blackthorn.
Yah he’s been teasing both Spawn and Terminator. Honestly, had it been either I would have been disappointed (I don’t love the MK characters, especially Raiden). Hellboy was a pleasant surprise though and I’m ecstatic about the Turtles. I will play the **** out of them (and get my ass kicked handily I’m sure).
Just assume that every female on the planet, and a whole lot of males, have been sexually harassed and/or assaulted vis a vis their jobs and we’ve now reached critical mass where these revelations have taken on a life of their own. And we’re only on showbiz at this point. We haven’t even gotten into religion or…
The *only* people the episode shows being up for the 10 million downvote are men. The only ‘crimes’ we see being voted for are the disrespect of women. The show where Lamarr is first herded into and completely demonstrates he doesn’t care at all is a parody of The View. The person they ‘reeducate’ to ‘be better’: a…
Okay, we can stop pretending that Orville is “more positive” than Discovery now. A future where humans are at war against a violent empire is pretty dark, but since it’s a prequel we know things turn out fine for the Federation, and that Star Trek’s luxury space socialist utopia will survive and grow. Whereas the…
To be blunt, I don’t respect someone who would say racist stuff because they had a bad night. That goes beyond awkwardness, especially when he does it again after someone tells him to stop.
I feel like those still are not accurate descriptors of the choices. You’re supposed to use Truth when the witness is being honest with you, Doubt when the witness is lying but you don’t have proof, and Lie when the witness is lying and you do have proof. Why can’t they make that clear?
Some bloated white gamer dude feels entitled to pussy and behaves like an asshole? MIND. BLOWN.
Hold up a second, are you trying to tell me an entitled, attention whoring gamergater is a lying hypocrite? I thought Cletus was a nice chap! How wrong we were
To be fair, a teacher who enjoys bringing science to young kids is the scariest thing Betsy could imagine.
Part of me wishes we’d had a Star Trek: Shenzhou miniseries before Discovery proper began. Something to give us a little more insight into what Burnham was like before her Very Bad Day (Saru, too).
Extremely relevant: