
Like special dog, whilst moving.

Offbeat Bride is a fun read. It can range from nice, ethical discussions of how to plan a non-traditional wedding to weird one-upmanship about how unconventional one's wedding can be.

anyone else click thinking it was going to be a gallery of all Laura Dern's Globes looks ever?

I am finally on the way to living in my own home and getting out of my parent's house. Yay! Although it is still property owned by them, I will be paying rent and have my own space.

The only lesson Sarai Sierra taught us is that sometimes terrible things happen. And if you get to the age of 20 without already knowing that, you're either strangely sheltered or strangely obtuse.

"To automatically to be lumped into that category of a gang... that hits a little close to home for us, because that isn't our intent at all," Strobl said.

a weeping willow because it was so awful that I cried

I usually go with "I'm too much of a quantum paradox for condoms". I haven't had to use a condom since I started using that line, mostly because people run away right after I say that.

Fake it, til you escape it. That's what untold generations of Catholics have done.

Why is spring?

What am I doing with the rest of my life? Well, my much-longed-and-planned-for child was born two weeks ago via surrogate. This has been a long and heartbreaking road, but it ended here...I am typing with a baby sleeping on my shoulder. I am a mom, the Mr is a dad, and we are a family with a person-baby in addition to

I understand that distinction, but I'm still appalled that they are being tried as adults. It just seems so wrong and so misguided. The difference between 12 and 18 is pretty significant, and when you add to that mental illness? I just don't see how they can argue that these two are, essentially, adults when they so

My opinion is that something horrible happened to Jackie. I don't know if it was a three-hour gang rape by seven guys, as she told RS, or being forced into oral sex by a smaller number, as she originally told her friends. But she's consistently said she was raped by multiple people, she was clearly traumatized, and

"Not as deep as it thinks it is" is the perfect description of Snowpiercer. I thought it was just OK, but it was a chance to watch Chris Evans for 2 hours, so it has that going for it.

Demonizing fat people doesn't help. He's a bad fucking person, size has nothing to do with it.

I have learned so many bad things about myself when I first heard the story — because, even though I believe every female rape survivor who comes forward with her story, I still felt incredulous at LaBoeuf's. I fucking hate how primed I am to think about men who are sexually assaulted. It's not fair to them, and it's

Nellie had it coming.

You cannot convince your mom to stop with reason because she is behaving unreasonably. All you can do is set your boundaries and enforce them. Tell her that you will not tolerate any more weight talk and then any time she breaks that rule, cut off contact. If she's on the phone just say, "I told you we're not talking

You don't have to be the one to figure all that stuff out. You don't owe her anything. Do what you want to do, not what you feel like you're supposed to do.