
I would love it and hug it and pet it and squeeze it and toothbrush its pretty fur and call it George.

That is what you dirty gays get for hanging around with racoons and squirrels and shit.

As a mom of two much older sons, one of the best things you can do for your kids is helping others in front of them. Drop some money in the Salvation Army donation bucket, or better yet....have your kids do it. Give money to the homeless guy on the corner and talk about it. How did he get there? How does he feel?

After reading through the horror of the first two girls' stories, my heart broke at the phrase "you know how that goes" that Katie uses when describing saying no and not being able to get away. That phrase conveys the helplessness, the world-weariness, and the sense that not only has she had to fight this before,

Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate! ack ack ack!

Sooooo, he proved that people on Jezebel are decent human beings. Wow. Score one for the MRA team... amirite.

I'm more grossed out whoever is doing that isn't wearing gloves.

zit popping, my most embarrassing, horrible fetish.

I feel like the headline for this story should have been, "Chicks dumped by dumped chick."

But I really want Aunt Bernice and Jen Esposito to have a zany 70s web series where they just either crash parties or solve the mystery of the week, scooby doo style.

I'm not disagreeing with your general sentiment, but creep is the wrong word.

He was a child. A sad child raised in a world where boys aren't supposed to get emotional about things. A sad child raised in a world where boys aren't supposed to get emotional about things in a country with gun laws that are actually

Wow. Just wow.

As the resident Paul Bunyan in many of my relationships, please don't do that. It's pretty condescending and infantilizing. I'm on to people who do it, and it makes me feel manipulated, and honestly, rather angry.

Don't worry; my grandma has stored up enough under the sink to get us straight through to the apocalypse.

NEXT. That guy is a loser and probably learned everything he knows about sex from porn.

@peasandrice - Everyone was in a hat from the start: tiny jaunty ones, seussy ones, giant fascinators, flat caps, witches' hats.

He's been cuddling up to me all day! Unfortunately, he was also running around like crazy and biting my face from 4am-6am. I'm hoping it's a kitten thing and he won't do that forever?

You can mock their recommendations all you want, but they have a lot of saliant points spot-on. Servers do often bring out enough breadsticks to choke a stallion and I see they often go wasted as some servers do not even offer to bag them up for you to take home. The consistancy of the sticks themselves vary