I used to draw all the time and was super creative. The creativity, however, was part of my depression. For a long time I resisted treating my depression because I knew it would have an adverse effect on my art.
I used to draw all the time and was super creative. The creativity, however, was part of my depression. For a long time I resisted treating my depression because I knew it would have an adverse effect on my art.
My best friend is a 5'3" tiny woman, and she runs all the time. Once she was alone and a dude on his bike smacked her ass. So she shoved him off his bike and yelled, "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR NOT WEARING A HELMET, ASSHOLE!!!" and then ran off.
By the time I was 6, I had two little sisters. We went on our first family vacation that year, and (now that I know what kind of hell it is to share a hotel room with children) my parents weren't exactly relaxing. By the end of the trip, their plan was to load up the car while we were all still asleep (when you're…
It would EPS who would need to be contacted rather than APS. Things would have to be pretty bad to be forced into any kind of facility, and I don't know about where you are, but I know where I am there aren't state run facilities, private facilities just take Medicare. Like someone else mentioned, there is a whole…
Check to see if there's an elder advocacy group in your area, they can probably help in finding the right way to help your GPs make the transition. Also, don't forget to use the terms "Assisted Living" and "Senior Apartments" instead of "nursing home". Perception is 9/10s of the battle.
Raise your hand if you didn't need a study to tell you this.
Hey, there's no need to be so fucking classist. These aren't "tuxedo cats"; they're just dressed reasonably: it's after five, and they're not farmers.
I am so, so, so angry so I'm going to apologize in advance for the tone of this post:
Honey, you aren't from the South are you?
MY HUSBAND GOT A JOB!!! Since March 1 we've been living with my parents to save money to buy a house. On March 15 he lost his job. Got another job April 1st! They decided they wanted to actually hire someone else and fired him two weeks later...super cool. But last week he started a job that we're both very excited…
I have some good news :-)
Uh ... just about everyone in Seattle stops watering their lawns in July and lets them go brown. And we have water. This is ludicrous.
My husband and I lived together before we were married, and I can say that, for me, moving in together without knowing what the future of our relationship was going to be was stressful. That may not be an issue for you, but it is one thing to consider. If you don't see yourself wanting to marry this man in the…
In my loooong experience working and volunteering with non-profits and volunteering 10-20 hours a week with an animal rescue in NYC, I can say confidently to you that NOBODY I have ever met who works with Doctors Without Borders, homeless shelters, various social work agencies, government agencies that assist the…
It's easy to remove though, so if 3 years in you change your mind, quick appointment, little cough, and it's out. There is a second hormonal option from the same manufacturer called Skyla which is smaller and only good for 3 years. Might be a better option. I would say if it's the right method for you, even if…
When a campus cop tells a woman hes going to slam her on the car if she doesnt obey him, and the college thinks thats perfectly ok, there is seriously something very wrong with that college.
The team behind HelloFlo has followed up last summer's blockbuster commercial hit with a new ad for their period…
i don't get the joke.
Is Florida even real? Or is it a Christopher Guest movie?