I also hate the word. But it makes sense to use in Tamblyn’s essay since it’s less clumsy than “female actors” or “women actors.” And she’s specifically talking about women.
I also hate the word. But it makes sense to use in Tamblyn’s essay since it’s less clumsy than “female actors” or “women actors.” And she’s specifically talking about women.
That was an absolutely straight-faced quote about rape.
This article is kind of a mess. The black dress wearing is a symbolic display of solidarity, nothing more; there’s all sorts of easily Googleable coalition building going on behind the scenes by women throughout the entertainment industry. You may or may not find it adequate, but at least do the research. Not to…
Whitney, why are you giving attention to @FeistyCovfefe, a thirsty, bananapants Trump voter? Come on.
Right? Somebody asked her a banal question about her job and she answered. It’s shitty to pull that little soundbite out of context to imply she should’ve offered an elaborate, meaningful commentary on rape culture instead.
Yeah, between that line and the abetting of the right-wing hit job blaming Streep for Weinstein’s sins, this column was... not the strongest display of critical-thinking skills. Remember, it’s coffee BEFORE typing!
Yeah, I read that line several times and maybe I’m just not, like, really smart or a stable genius, but I didn’t get it. I’ve seen better stretching and reaching in a senior citizens’ yoga class.
I think, at the end of the day, gossip is more “fun” when it’s focused on women. And people will always naturally shift toward women.
C’mon, c’mon. This is the author of that second tweet.
Oh my god fucking apologize to that stylist right now! How the fuck is this kind of shit helping? You went off the deep end.
Oh yes, good. Don’t worry about holding the actual abusers accountable, let’s just blame Meryl.
What I saw going on with this post? Is this Breitbart or Jezebel? It’s been widely reported those Meryl posters were the work of an alt right troll mad at Streep’s denunciation of our predator president, not something feminists or anyone else should be lauding.
Lol. This is all going to add up to a bunch of commenters getting perma-grayed for calling BS BS.
err ‘Golden Globes’
Sooooooooo...what’s the problem with a stylist being asked about her work and responding appropriately about her work?
I must be missing something. That was not a quote about rape, straight or otherwise faced.
I was ready to get mad at the actress who said that about black dresses except it wasn’t an actress. It was a stylist who was asked about her work and, as a response, talked about her work. She may have been completely insensitive when she was interviewed, sure, OR maybe that one quote does not represent the entirety…
Here’s a quote from stylist Erica Cloud on ABC News:
That wasn’t a quote about rape, and that was a pretty messed up thing to do to a stylest who was, presumably, being asked a question about her job.