I may be stupid and cynical, but we really shouldn’t have heroes. I think this time period could/should put an end to that.
I may be stupid and cynical, but we really shouldn’t have heroes. I think this time period could/should put an end to that.
YUP. Only 45 would.... and making those assumptions are dangerous. He’s basically telling people “he must have grabbed her by the “ya know” by pic 6.... cause that’s what he would do.
That’s an oversimplification of the facts but the most important fact for me is the sheer number of accusations against 45 - like Roy Moore it’s a long pattern of abusive behavior and sexual assault.
I am really tired of the “he wasn’t ACTUALLY touching her in the photo” defense.
It seems clear from her story that she wanted to avoid the kiss, and that he pushed her beyond what is normally expected and what she indicated she was comfortable with. I’m not an actor but I’m pretty sure tongue isn’t standard in onstage kisses. Also, it’s pretty common for dudes to write hot women into their scenes…
What sort of sick fucker immediately jumps to this conclusion? “Where do his hands go in pictures 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 while she sleeps? ....”
Franken: scripts a kiss, rehearses the kiss, scene partner objects to extent of kiss
Honestly, it makes me think even less of the people that waste their time watching than of her.
I have a wild, visceral, almost rageful hatred for Zoella. I totally understand that she’s sort of pretty and starting “vlogging” in the right place at the right time. However, this is a girl who has no discernible skills, other than buying every sweater on ASOS and showing them to her subscribers, or buying every…
Trump is the shittiest piece of shit that ever stunk. What type of psychopath do you have to be to willfully allow the killing of beautiful and intelligent animals just to “get back” at the guy before you?? This is spiteful and disgusting. They will have to sell tickets to accommodate the long line of people who will…
This is disgusting and ridiculous. He is literally doing this for two batshit, selfish, unpresidential reasons only:
I’m already sick of the apologists claiming “It was a JOKE! He was on SNL!” like that makes it ok.
I’m pretty sure that if the Trump administration serves a full term, if we’re not all dead in nuclear war, the Spartan Crypteia will be reinstituted and the rich could get permits to hunt the poor.
“Safari Club International is an international trophy hunting organization that lobbies to get various species “delisted” as endangered so that its members can hunt them.”
The issue seems to be that you think the word “ludicrous,” is inherently a bad thing. Sure, Maus isn’t ludicrous. But the majority of superhero comics are. And trying to strip away those absurd and far-out elements makes the stories worse. It’s about creating a world where the loud riots elements actually work.
Quit whining. You’re wrong, the writer’s right, and you fantasizing it into a persecution complex you should have worked through years ago reflects poorly on one person alone: you.
Serious question, have you read Watchmen? The core concept of the book is that costumed heroes are ludicrous.
levity isn’t the same thing as ludicrous by definition.
Another serious question:
Did you dismiss my earlier post because it questioned why you were trying to explain comics to someone who writes about comics?
The reason there was an Inhumans movie in the first place was because Perlmutter would only greenlight stuff like Black Panther, Captain Marvel, and Doctor Strange if they also included an Inhuman’s movie in the plans. So when Feige took over for Perlumutter they ended up dumping the movie from the line up.