
Outside of a small handful of specific unverified examples where this is not true, it is only within the last five centuries that there seems to have been a shift towards more authoritarian and domination-based practices being used to control children’s behaviors in Latin American families.

The way the world’s been going lately, anytime I see a famous person’s name in a headline, I assume they’ve died. A world without Alan Menken was a truly depressing thought.

Oh look, it’s the sound of

From my experience, use of these products went up dramatically in India following more brands getting into the market and heavier advertising. Like toothpaste whitening in the US, it’s now hard to find brands without lightening claims. Some ‘black market’ stuff would continue (I’m thinking less illegal, more local no-n

Lived in St Louis for a third of my life and until today I thought it was the Whale Profit parade and assumed it had some ‘save the oceans’ connection.  Everyone calls it Fair St Louis anyway.

It doesn’t need to fit snugly for the ‘disrupting your breath droplets from traveling’ purposes. It won’t protect you, but a cloth mask wasn’t going to do that anyway.

Is “Good luck, bitch” a reference I’m too old to get? Not wild about how casually that’s thrown out otherwise.

What’s with the header pic?

Yup, totally. He’s an idiot. And even if the statistics were there, it’d still be pretty damn callous. I just find it helpful to sort out the callous idiots from the death cultists, because we have enough of both.

Still horrible, but I think what he was trying to say was it would be 2-3% increase in mortality, not 2-3% of the population. So, 203 out of every 10,000 die instead of 200. Like I said ... still horrible.  But not batshit crazy horrible.

Good catch on the “time”. I do genuinely prefer the taste of byaldi, partly because it’s really hard for me to let a stew go by without chucking in some beans or cheese. But ‘well, this’ll be ready for dinner tomorrow; let’s order take out for tonight’ is a common refrain in my house.

Having made and enjoyed both, I’m going to disagree on that. Confit byaldi is its own animal. And while it shares some flavors with ratatouille, it has a totally different texture (hence the name, which comes from imaam bayildi ) and a different taste due to the proportions, amount of roasting & amount of oil.

The problem with “fucking obviously I don’t mean every single person who works in a technology-related field.” is that it’s an enormous and growing sector and and focusing on the small number of people you find annoying, while possibly cathartic to you, is not a good diagnosis of the problem. The 0.1 percenter venture

It’s also been true for many others moving to the city now.  The same thing that makes you want to stay there brings others there.  Why do you get to keep them out just because you got there a generation earlier?

Why are you more entitled to the maritime climate and the picturesque hills than the ‘tech douche brigade’ ?

But Louis Armstrong New Orleans International has a Cafe du Monde in it.

What’s with all the odd content today?  I assume it’s related to the herb saga, but am not up to date with the latest developments.

You’re right, it is the skin coming up in the middle too.  Wow, looking at it again with that in mind made a big difference. Still crusty looking, but not mind boggling.

Lindsey Ellis

Dishwasher! And honestly I only wash it a couple of times a year.  It’s garlic, it disinfects itself.